Title: Cinderella: If the Glass Slipper Fits
innibisRating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,822
Pairing: Kara/Lee, Kara/Sam
Genre: Completely AU
Disclaimer: I am not RDM or any of his cohorts. I do not lay claim to BSG in any way, shape or form; especially the finale.
A/N: Clap if you believe in
Part I
If the Glass Slipper Fits )
Comments 6
I love this chapter with every fiber of my being. I love Kara rescuing Sam. I love that Zak encourages Lee to finally make a move on Kara, and when Lee does he ends up playing the fairy godmother. I love Sam being a dumb pyramid jock. I love the flight!sex L/K scene in the bar (how did she not fall of the balcony? really?).
And I love the angst twist at the end. Yes, I'm in an angsty shipper mood and this suits me just fine. Although my fingers are crossed that our star-crossed lovers will come together in the last chapter...after all, Cinderella has to get her Prince in the end, right?
I could not resist fairy godmother!Lee. It was too enticing.
And I guarantee you that the sex act described is totally possible.:) You know how some metal railings have a horizontal bar that intersects the vertical bars that support the top rung of the rainling? She hooked her feet around where the horizontal and vertical bars met and wrapped her hands around the top bar she was sitting on and Lee had a good grip on her thighs.
It had to be done - Sam was the prince in this part and the prince gets the girl.
Loved that Zak kept telling Lee to make a move on Kara. Zak is such a Kara/Lee shipper!
That sex scene was wicked hot!!!
Oh, but poor Lee at the end! Seeing Kara with Sam that way had to be like a sucker punch to the gut. And of course he drives away before she can explain anything. Soooo angsty and awesome!
I always hate to do mean things to Lee, but they're still them, and the course of K/L's true love never seems to be smooth. No matter how much I try to fix them.:)
But it really was crazy hot before all went pear-shaped - they really are such nervous little frakkers, no wonder this happened. And this chapter was perfect - I love the idea of Tigh, Racetrack and Kat as the stepmother and ugly stepsisters, and you have Anders and Dee down perfectly, not to mention the screwed-up logic that canon!Kara uses to frak things up just when they look good. And just to reiterate, I love the scene on the balcony, and Kara's confusion the next morning at finding her shoes still on :)
Thanks for the great feedback - writing Tigh as a stepmother seemed fitting, and it was fun. :)
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