IB solves the greatest dilemmas known to man...

Jul 21, 2006 11:44

...by way of pants.

1. Pirates vs Ninja.

Ninja need to be sneaky and silent and stealthy. It's part of the job description. So the last thing you need when you're striking hard and fading away without a trace is ball flapping giving away your position. So there;'s the need for the tight strapping of the balls to the groinal region, usually by way of restrictive tight Y-fronts (black, of course.) For female ninja, the great problem is the sleak ninja silhouette, which requires tight strapping of the breasts to the body, and of course the high riding thong to avoid VPL. Not comfortable, but at least it doesn't get in the way of Ninjaing.
Pirates are dastardly, anarchic and free. They can do whatever the hell they like. And what they like, in general, is to go commando in those roomy trousers of theirs, and to hell with anyone who dares restrict their manly testicles. Women pirates are also able to be free, unrestricted and fungus-free, because who care if you catch a look up their skirts? They'll run you through if you're inappropriate. There's a problem if you have difficulty breathing in corsets, but practice and the occasional loosening of laces will fix that. The only real issue for women pirates is the lack of supportive bras which leads to pain and early saggage.

Free and easy >> tight restrictive lame pants. Even if they're black.


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