We Took Some Out...

Jun 13, 2007 15:30

Well, the royal we. As Nicole was finishing her voice post, I finished unbarricading the front door and then went upstairs to check on Izzy and the kiddo, say goodbye, and then check teh journal one last time. So, as I'm checking the computer, and reading Tara's journal. I basically decide that heading out there is foolish and stupid, because:

A. Tara will be a zombie by the time we make it there
B. Even though she's a good friend, its not worth risking it just to find another zombie

I'm closing out of the journal, when I hear some crazy noises coming from outside, so I grab the camera and head out the window onto the front porch roof. Check out Nicole kicking some undead ass!

image Click to view

I ran downstairs in time to film her taking out the last zombie in our neighborhood.

image Click to view

Don't worry, that's zombie all over her; she's fine...aside from stinking, a little.

A neighbor (who you hear hammering away at his kitchen window in the video) came out before we headed inside and informed us that he had a gun and could take some zombies out from his bedroom window if the crowd got too big. I think this'll be our standard operating procedure for now. Have him shoot the zombies until they are a decent size group, and then Nicole and I will run out and bludgeon the rest to death.

Here's to surviving...and finding my boots, I was totally drunk last night.


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