Title: Full house of leather [2/2]
Fandom: Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle
Pairing: Fai/Kurogane/Yuui
reikahRating: NC-17
Word count: 12,825
Notes: AU inspired by too much Lady Gaga & written for
clampkink - prompt was fai & yuui as strippers, blushing virgin kurogane as a patron who gets taken home.
← part one (
'Are you serious? Worst monk ever.' )
Comments 4
*flails with the force of a million suns*
I didn't expect this to be so brilliant. Or sexy. This was ridiculously sexy. Illegally sexy. Like, I think someone's going to arrest me for enjoying this far too much XD
I'm going to have to sit here and think non-sexy-twin-threesome-fantasy-related thoughts until my blush cools down, because my face is on fire, and I want to be able to go out today with a reasonable expression as opposed to the manic giggling grin which is splitting my face in half.
This was gorgeous and wonderful. Don't ever stop being this awesome. Which shouldn't be hard considering your writing list contains of lot of evidence of your previous acts of awesomeness...
*squeegles you*
Luckiest. Worst. Monk. Ever.
Actually, and this is weird, I think there's something about the twins' self-awareness that makes this fic feel so sexy in such an open way. They're so honest about who/what they are. It's great. And they have such FUN sharing their toys. :P
God, Kuro-virgin. Asking them out to dinner... he's just adorable sometimes. Derp!
This was amazing. This was effing sexy. Seeing the twin brothers being comfortable lent credibility to the threesome.
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