The Helo ShAgathon: Sign-up Post

Jan 03, 2007 16:19


Although I couldn't resist the pun in the name, this is in fact a ficathon for all things Helo; gen requests are absolutely allowed. :)

* Sign-ups are open from now until January 13. Assignments will go out by January 15th. The due date is February 14th (Valentine's Day). So you have a month to write your story. Yes, I know that everyone waits until the weekend before. I'm still not going to have a sense of humor about granting extensions.

* Minimum length: 1000 words

* I'll send out e-mail reminders two weeks and one week before the deadline. If you need to drop out, let me know ASAP so I can find a pinch-hitter. (Please please please PLEASE let me know. Or if your story's going to be more than about 24 hours late. LET ME KNOW.)

* Stories should be posted in your own LJ. On February 14th I'll post a master list here in this journal, and you should comment on it with a link to your story. We're doing this old-school; no community, just a masterlist.

* You will make TWO requests, a primary and a secondary. I will do my best to match requests to writers based on the primary request, but you *may* end up being matched by secondary. As a writer, you may choose EITHER request based on which one sparks something for you. You only have to write one story. You will only receive one story. But make both requests something you'd like to read, because you could get either one.

The sign-up form:
E-mail: ETA: If you don't want your email to be publicly visible on this post, please post your request without the e-mail, then make a separate comment with your e-mail and then delete it. I'll get the notification for my records and then it'll disappear. Or, if you're worried about tracking (there is no way for me to know if this post is being tracked or not), e-mail the address you would like your assignment to be sent to to me at

Primary request:
Pairing (or more-ing), or gen: If your request is gen, indicate so here and then list other characters you'd like included, if you have specific preferences. If you go the sex-ish route, het, slash, masturbation, inanimate objects, threesome, orgy, 'sall good.
Prompt: Up to three elements. Objects, setting, a quotation or lyric, etc. Don't give a plot outline as a prompt, please; let your writer have some room to be creative.
Restrictions: Up to three things you do *not* want in the story.
If your pairing isn't Helo/Sharon, is it acceptable for your writer to just handwave the Helo/Sharon relationship, or do you want an explanation?

Secondary request:
Pairing (or more-ing), or gen:
If your pairing isn't Helo/Sharon, is it acceptable for your writer to just handwave the Helo/Sharon relationship, or do you want an explanation?

Restrictions on what you are willing to write: Up to three things you do *not* want to be assigned. Please note that this ficathon is het, slash, and more-than-two-people-in-the-bed friendly; if you're not comfortable writing any part of that, make it one of your restrictions! I can't know if you don't tell me!
Any other notes that will help me match you to a request?: Your strong points/preferences regarding characters or themes, if you already have an idea you're leaning toward, etc. This is NOT A GUARANTEE that you will receive an assignment that matches with those, but I *will* take them under consideration.

Please feel free to pimp away. There should be much Helo-love, because he's just so entirely loveable. He's a ginormous teddy bear! He's like seventeen feet tall and he LOVES EVERYONE and he thinks they should all live in peace and harmony. He's just great.

Please also feel free to ask questions in the comments. I'm sure I've forgotten something really obvious. And I don't intend for any of the above to come across as rude or snappish; I'm just trying to be clear. And probably failing. Oh, crudbunnies.


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