I wish, I wish

Dec 13, 2009 18:06

I wish the angst muse didn't have so much fun with stuff like this!

Title: If wishes were rocket fuel
Setting: G1
Rating: PG
Characters: Cosmos, Skyfire
Summary: In the lonely vastness of space wishes are sometime all you've got.
Part 2 of 3 for the tf_rare_pairing December Challenge

Pressed as far back under his rock shelter as he could get Cosmos waited with increasing impatience for the storm of impacts to end, he’d tried calling Skyfire, without any luck, one of them had a bust comm. array and he could only hope that was all that was damaged.

As swiftly as it had started the storm ended a few last small columns of dust hung for a long moment before the asteroids low gravity pulled them down, he scrambled out scraping his paintwork against the rocks in his haste.

{Skyfire? Come on mech answer me!} Cosmos broadcast as loudly and as widely as he could.

His only answer was the hiss of the solar wind as it roared past him, he pushed off from the asteroid and hovered low listening hard hoping to hear even the faintest sound in the wash of space. Pushing down the rising tide of unease, he began to quarter the asteroids surface, calling regularly and listening hard. After an hour of searching in vain unease had started to turn to fear, bitterly he wished that he wasn’t alone up here. Right now, he’d welcome any help, even Blast Off or Astrotrain, casting his sensors out from the asteroid he started the long and much more difficult task of picking out Skyfire from the thousands of chunks of rock that flew past.

By the time the asteroid he'd been sheltering on had completed one slow tumble he was cursing is a way that would have had even Sunstreaker blushing, there were simply too many Skyfire sized bits of rock out here.

"Primus I wish I had a few of those ground pounders up here, maybe they'd be less dismissive of the dangers of space work." Cosmos groused to himself before switching on his transmitters again, {Skyfire for the love of Primus answer me!}


Skyfire came to again very slowly; the feel of rough rock in places where no rock should be was the first indication that something was very wrong. He struggled to deal with the sudden flood of error messages and system warnings, something was nagging at the edge of his processor but he couldn't quite make it out over the insistent blaring of his systems.

"I wish I knew what the pit happened" he groaned shutting down system after system that was too damaged for his self repair to fix.

Finally the queue of error messages was dealt with and he could examine his memory and work out what had brought him to be half wedged into an asteroid millions of klicks from Earth.

The painful words and taunts loaded all too easily into his memory bringing with them a fresh wave of anger and bitterness, he vented his anger on the jagged rocks which mutely held him fast, “I wish I’d stayed under that damn ice.”

The sudden thought that the chill of space wasn’t so different from his icy prison and in his current damaged state if rescue didn’t come soon it would be too late cooled his anger somewhat.


Cosmos temper was anything but cold, in fact anyone observing the night sky in the infra red band would have been able to plot his position with pinpoint accuracy. He’d given up cursing at and pleading with the universe and was grimly and determinedly skimming each and every rock that could conceivable hide a damaged shuttle, a constant loop of hails playing over his comm. in case by some miracle Skyfire could hear and respond.

He’d already promised himself that when he got Skyfire back to the Ark he’d be having some very frank words with certain mechs, what ever they thought of Skyfire’s past attachment to Starscream it was just that, past, over and not something to be used to drive the mech into space and possible to a lonely deactivation out in the cold void.


Skyfire jerked a little, he’d been dozing off. Not a good sign, the amount of energon he’d lost was beginning to tell. Something however had pulled him back to wakefulness, something familiar.

{..fire, respond. Emergan…nel. Sky…}

It took him precious minuets to place the voice that called him, to remember that he hadn’t been alone in the vacuum. He struggled to get any comm. system to respond to the hail, even just a beacon would do.

Cosmos almost collided with a stalagmite when Skyfire’s emergency beacon flared into life, a desperate jink saved him from impalement and he headed out in the direction of the beacon as fast as his engines could take him. Someone out there had at least partially granted his wishes and he wasn't going to squander the opportunity.

cosmos, fan fiction, challenges, skyfire

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