The Ink Family Legacy: Generation 3 Chapter 4

Oct 12, 2010 14:34

Welcome back all! We're here with another chapter of the Inks. It's been a while, huh? Well, all I can do is blame pharmacy school, as usual. You wouldn't want your pharmacist to be playing sims when she should be studying, right? XD

Last chapter we welcomed the first members of generation four, Paige and Ethan. Miles came back just in time and reconciled with Finn. Solstice, not so much. But there was still talk of weddings, leading us to this chapter. Let's begin, shall we?

--- --- --- --- ---

"Ready for the wedding, Paige?"


Yes, now that the twins were mobile, it was time for Miles and Ophelia to get married! Sol had been grumbling about it all week, but at least he was quiet about it and didn't voice his disapproval in front of the kids.

"Be good while I get your brother ready, okay hon?"

"Kay Daddy!"

"Good girl - here's a bottle for you."

"BOTTLE~! <3"

"You've gotta get ready too, buddy."

"Ready ready!"

Luckily the twins were at an age where they could be mostly trusted not to ruin their clothes while everyone else flew around in a panic, trying to get things together. They quietly chewed on their blocks while dresses and caterers and for some reason Orion went back and forth between the rooms.

--- --- --- --- ---

The wedding was being held at a tiny little park across the river from the Ink house. Filly wished they could have booked it earlier in the day, but was sure it would look just as pretty at night.

One of the earliest guests was none other than Jay Croix, Miles' father! Everyone was surprised that he made it - even in his twilight years he was all over the country directing the biggest movies of the year.

He seemed really enthusiastic about the whole wedding ordeal, making jokes along the way.

On the other end of the spectrum was the intimidating Reina Croix. She did not smile once throughout the whole thing and refused to speak with anyone but Jay. She ended up turning on him too, however, when he told her to loosen up.

There was even one guest...

...that Finn was sure he'd never see.

She wasn't there very long, but it was enough. Eva hadn't responded to a letter in three years, after all, and Finn had all but given up hope. Seeing her, eccentric mannerisms and all, was a great relief to him.

And then it was finally time for the wedding.

Paige and Ethan sat quietly through the ceremony, almost as if they knew how important it was to their parents. That didn't stop them from occasionally babbling to each other in whispers, though.

The words were said...

...and the rings were exchanged.

But really, all the legalities and technicalities weren't as important as the way they felt when they looked at each other. This sealed it. This was forever.

And Filly had no doubt in her mind that she would love him forever.

"Sol, don't you dare say a word." Star said pointedly under her breath.

The redhead frowned and looked away. "Not now, anyway." he said.

There was another dark spot on an otherwise gorgeous wedding.

At least Sol had gone to watch it.

But these two were in their own world.

Of course, now that the ceremony was finished...


The guests were let loose on the reception. Filly wondered if Julie just showed up to eat cake and tease her. Probably.

"Wait! Julie, don't take a picture yet! Or that close."

"C'mon Filly, it's your wedding! You're not still gonna be shy, are you?"

"It's embarrassing."

"Well, try not to think about it while you two do your first dance over there. If you trip, it'll be on film."

"When did you get so mean?"

Not that Filly had anything to worry about - as long as she followed where Miles led, she was sure to look elegant without doing any work at all.

"Good thing we practiced, huh Lia?" Miles chuckled as they swayed to the music.

"Mmm. Wouldn't want to give Julie or your mother something else to pick on." she laughed in reply.

Miles gave her an exasperated smile. "Hey, let's not worry about them. We're married now, right? They'll just have to get over it in their own way."

"If you say so." she finally said. "You're right - we can talk about that all we want after the wedding."

--- --- --- --- ---

The rest of the night was spent dancing and drinking, punctuated by photos here and there.

"What are you doing with Ethan there, hun?"

"Teaching him to dance, of course. He needs to impress all the other three year olds."

"You? And dance lessons?"

"I can teach just fine, can't I Ethan?"

"I is nowt so shure, Mama. Is I sapposed to be flyin'?"

"Alright then, how about you dance with Mommy like this?"


"Daddy is gonna dance wif me too!"

"That's right Paigey."

"I wub yew Daddy."

"Love you too, Princess."

"What's this? Sol, are you actually being nice to the Miles clone?"

"Nice? To this runt? Not at all. I'm tickling him until he starts hiccuping."


"Noooooo*hic*oooo! Hee hee! *hic* Uncle *hic* Sol!"

These two were in as love as ever.

Although, they had to be feeling pretty accomplished with three of their six kids married and one more engaged. Sol and Julie were next on their list.

--- --- --- --- ---

Ah, but even the best of parties come to an end.

Paige was asleep in Miles' arms even before the car ride home, so knocked out that getting her pajamas on was like dressing a doll. Only her little chest was moving as she was laid down in her crib to sleep.

And Ethan, despite how teased he was, fell right asleep in Sol's arms. He even had a light grip on his uncle's shirt the whole way home, which Sol gently pried loose before setting him to bed.

"Night, kid." he said quietly, ruffling the boy's hair before leaving the room.

--- --- --- --- ---

Thinking of weddings and happiness inevitably brought Solstice back to this place.

A bit morbid, isn't it?

But Sol couldn't forget his Claire, even if it had been years since he had last seen her.

But sometimes, just faintly, he would feel here there. If he closed his eyes, he could feel a faint warmth, almost see the light from flickering embers on the backs of his eyelids. Just enough to encourage him.

But then he'd open his eyes and the illusion would be shattered. He was completely along, sitting on a cold stone bench in a graveyard he didn't even tend to anymore.

And yet this was the place that always called to him.

Sol needed to get out more.

So he did, in a way. He hadn't been to the district library since he was a child doing research for school reports, but the small, warm rooms were as familiar as always. He supposed that now, since he was a writer, he should be expected to read a few of the greats in his genre.

However, he had only just sat down with a book before he was addressed.

"Mister Solstice Ink, I presume?"

Sol looked up at the young woman asking. "Yes...and you are?"

She smiled and shook his hand. "Ah, forgive me. I am Tasha, and I work for a little company called RSES."

"And that stands for..."

"Riverview Spirits Exorcism Services, naturally. I thought you would have heard of us by now, being the way you are."

Solstice withdrew his hand quickly, looking at her with incredulous eyes. His change in demeanor was enough to make her laugh.

"What are you...?!"

Tasha smiled. "Ghosts are surprisingly talkative sometimes. I was wondering who this kid was that they all seemed so interested in."

When Sol could only gape at her, she chuckled airily.

"Oh, don't be so surprised. You couldn't have possibly thought you were the only one in the world to deal with ghosts, could you?"

Solstice thought it was a reasonable assumption to make, until now when this stranger walks up and starts talking about things he hid his whole life. He thought he had the right to be a little uneasy.

He paused, gathering his thoughts. " deal with ghosts."

"Any spirits causing trouble, yes. We're actually a branch of the Sunset Valley division that had to relocate here - there's been a real flare up of ghost activity starting about ten years ago, and the problem's only gotten worse."

Sol thought it best not to mention that he started seeing ghosts ten years ago.

"So then...why are you telling me? What do you want?"

"Glad you asked!" she replied enthusiastically, leaning in closer. "I came to offer you a job. You understand that finding people with your level of talent is extraordinarily rare - in our organization, there is only one other person who can actually speak to ghosts."

"Not you?" Sol interrupted.

"Not me. My powers are much weaker, I'm afraid. But you! You could really help us get rid of this problem and send all these wandering ghosts back to their graves."

After a short silence, he said, "Why should I?"

"I heard you were researching." she said simply. "And our team has over fifteen hundred years worth of research in our archives."

Tempting. Very much so. Almost too good to be true for him.

"I'll have to think about it."

"But of course!" she replied with a wave of her hand. "Take all the time you need. We'll be around. And here..." She pressed a small business card into his hand.

"Here is our contact information. If you decide on assisting us, you know where to call."

--- --- --- --- ---

"I don't know about dis Gwampa."

"Come on Ethan, you can do it!"

Finn had managed to get some time with the toddlers to start teaching them their life skills. He figured he was pretty much an expert on his after raising six kids of his own.

"Look Paige, your brother is walking! Don't you want to try too?" Finn called encouragingly.

Paige, for her part, continued cheerfully banging on the xylophone, pausing occasionally to chew on the stick. Finn laughed - some things never change.

"I did it! Gwampa, I did it!" Ethan cheered breathlessly after his perilous journey of four feet.

"You did!" Finn cheered right along with him. "And do you know what we do next?"

"Nope! Is it fun?"

"Yep! You get to do it again!"

"But it was so hard da firstest time!"

Paige wasn't able to escape toddler training for long, and soon found herself being taught by Miles. Of course, she stubbornly sat down and pouted.

"C'mon Paige! Don't you wanna walk to Daddy?" Miles encouraged.

"I wanna play wif my toys!" she whined back.

"Not as easy as it looks, huh?" Finn laughed.

"Paige is considerable more stubborn than Ethan, though..." Miles sighed, giving up.

"Aw, come here Paige. You're not stubborn, you're just strong willed. Maybe you'll grow up to be like your grandma! Er, with fewer fights, I would hope."

"I can't pwomise dat one, Gwampa."

Speaking of Star, she was now a top gun in the military! It may seem odd at first to have an old woman with a sniper rifle, but no one who had seen her sharp-shooting skills would dare question her.

--- --- --- --- ---

It was a normal morning in the Ink house - Miles was idly playing chess to pass some time before work started.

But then, rather unexpectedly...

"Mind if I play?" Sol said, pulling out a chair.

Miles didn't really have time to say yes or no - Sol was already sitting down.

"I wanted to talk to you." Sol said, setting up the pieces.


"Isn't it? But I'll try and be civil."

Sol took a moment to contemplate his first move, chatting idly as he did so.

"Now, I suppose I should commend you on finally manning up enough to choose Filly. It only took you five years, but I suppose that's a detail I can overlook. But we do still have a problem."

"I figured."

"I think..." Sol continued, countering Miles' move. "...that there is another choice you're avoiding. You have chosen Filly over Julie, but you haven't chosen what Filly represents over what Julie represents."

Miles frowned. "I don't follow."

"Which is why we have a problem. You see, you seem to be of the opinion that you can be a good husband to Filly and a good father to the kids while living the same life you've always had - that of an actor. And I'm telling you right now, they don't mesh well. You saw that yourself when you almost missed the birth of your children."

Miles almost made a move, but then hesitated.

"Solstice, I can see why you think that. But now that I've made my commitment, I'm going to see it through. I can be both an actor and a family man. Oh, and..."

Miles grinned and knocked Sol's king off the board. "Checkmate."

Sol clapped politely. "Congratulations. You could have won ten moves ago had you been willing to sacrifice your castle - could've kept your queen that way - but hey, a win's a win, right?"

Miles rolled his eyes. "I can see your metaphor, but it's invalid. The way I play chess has nothing to do with the way I live my life. You can't say the two are the same."

"Oh, I agree. They aren't the same. In real life, you wouldn't have won." Sol replied, getting up. "But I'll let you think about it a while longer."

--- --- --- --- ---

Elsewhere, the twins were being cute.

The project of the day was the twins' verbal skills, which really needed refining as they were past the age where screaming is acceptable as communication. The twins could communicate just fine with each other, but needed to be a bit more articulate with the adults.

"Le-gah-cee? What's dat? Ethan, yew getting any of dis?"

"Nope. Do yew know what 'dwama' is?"

But it wasn't long before Paige and Ethan were chatting away like pros. Their speech was a little babyish still, but that was fine for three year olds.

"Can you say 'Mama loves Ethan', honey?"

"I love you too Mama~!"

Ophelia smiled. "Close enough."

--- --- --- --- ---

Although calling out Miles was high on Solstice's priority list, he did have other things on there. Namely, his writing - Sol was quickly establishing himself as a force in the world of sci-fi and fantasy.

However, thoughts of the RSES kept spinning in his head, as well as questions about Claire. It wasn't until he substituted Claire for his heroine's name for the fiftieth time that he finally shut down the computer and picked up his phone.

Fine. If that's what it took to get information, then...

"Time for your bedtime, runt."

"Bedtime for Uncle Sol too!"

Sol chuckled. "Not right now. I'm going to work."

"Oh. Well, have fun at work Uncle Sol!" Ethan said cheerfully.

"...I'll try, kid." Sol whispered.

To be honest, he wasn't sure that what he was doing was right. But the people seemed terrified of these ghosts, and removing them didn't seem to hurt the ghosts, so...

...Sol made quick work of them.

The machine in his hands hummed with energy, almost feeling like it belonged there. Maybe he had got it all wrong. Maybe he wasn't supposed to save ghosts, but to save people from ghosts.

It was still dirty work, though.

Sad. Guilty.


--- --- --- --- ---

"So he lives here, hmm?" Reina mused. "Please. This is hardly befitting of him at all."

Reina glanced in the nursery window and saw the twins playing cheerfully. She hated the word grandchildren - she hated the word 'children' - but these two were pretty enough. They had potential.

"Mom?! What you you doing here?"

Reina turned calmly to face her angry son. "Am I not allowed to visit you?"

"You have to at least call first."

"Why? So you can tell that wife of yours to run and hide? Where is she, anyway?"

Miles narrowed his eyes. "I don't want you to say a word about her or to her. You've done enough damage in that respect. And not that you care, but she's visiting her brother."

"You're right, I don't care. I came to talk to you. When are you going to snap out of this phase? I understand that this 'rebellious stage' may be amusing to you, but the press is losing interest and you are losing value."

"You honestly think I married Lia for your attention?!" Miles spat back.

"You've always been like that, Miles. Always trying to get your father and I to look your way."

"Like it ever worked. But you can take your bullshit and go home - I'm not leaving."

"I thought you might be like that." Reina replied. "But I'm here to tell you the truth. Ever since you pulled that idiotic little stunt at your last job, people are starting to think you're unreliable. One little call from that girl and you'll drop a job. They think you aren't as committed to acting as you used to be."

"I left for my children, Mom. They mean everything to me. If you expect me to leave them-"

"Relax." she laughed. "I know how attached you are. Your father was the same way about you. Take them with you. They can be great actors too, I'm sure - they are Croix children, after all."

Miles stared at her blankly. "They're...they're Ink children too..."

"If it's custody you're worried about, don't bother. I have a lawyer that can get custody of any child. We've already looked it up - she has an aunt that's wanted by the state government, that's a good angle to use."

"You''re a sick woman, you know that?"

"Don't be like this, Miles." Reina said, her tone turning harsh. "I don't want to force you, but let there be no doubt in your mind that I can. Your father and I are very influential. If you don't behave, we could very well have you blacklisted. You would never find a job in this country."

Miles seemed to be shrinking, wavering under her harsh words. "I...I don't need you."

This Reina chuckled at.

"You? Don't need me? Miles, you are nothing. What are you but my son? When has your name stood alone? You have always been known as Reina Croix's son and that is what you'll always be known as. You have no value outside of me. What skills do you have? What could you do besides act? You didn't even finish high school."

Miles had no reply to this.

"Face it. All you have is acting. And for you, I am the acting world. So keep your wife. We'll see if she cares for what's left of you."

For a very long moment the two of them stood there in silence.

"Just go."

Reina smiled. "You know where to find me. A mother always forgives her son."

--- --- --- --- ---

At least Solstice's job was going well.

Well, it was if you measured success by jobs completed. He didn't quite feel like he was doing a good job. The ghosts he captured were unlike the ones in the graveyard, but he still caught faint wisps of emotions from them. Fear. Sadness. Loneliness.

He could rarely get through one job without his phone going off. The RSES would tell at him to catch more ghosts, to work harder. Whenever he was reluctant, they would yell.

He started to wonder why it was important to catch so many spirits, and why there jobs seemed to be increasing the more he worked.

But for now, he kept quiet and worked.

"It's quite late to be out!" the cabbie commented airily.

"I work the midnight shift." Sol mumbled in reply. This guy was always trying to make conversation when Sol was at his most irritable. It took all his will not to snap at him.

"Well, I hope the job is worth the hours!"

Sol sighed and looked out the window.

"I wish it was."

--- --- --- --- ---

"Thanks for letting me come over Rye!" Filly said. "It's hard trying to find the time to visit everyone. Oreo never leaves that salon, I swear."

"He's obsessed, yeah."

Filly, since she worked from home, made an effort to visit at least one sibling a week. Julie and Viola were pretty elusive, but at least she could see her brothers relatively often.

"Is it my turn to talk to Auntie Filly yet?"

"It is now! How's my favorite little Casey doing?"


Casey was only six months older than Paige and Ethan, so Filly could really relate well to her. It was kind of funny that yet another blond girl was born in the Wilson house - maybe that was Star's intent.

"Auntie Filly, you should come over all the time! And then you can bring Paigey and Ethan and we all can play!"

Filly smiled. "Isn't twice a month enough for you?"


"Well, in a year and a half when you start kindergarten, you can come over anytime you like to do homework with your cousins, okay?"

"Well...okay. But only if we gets to play too!"

Ophelia was always worn out after visiting her excitable little niece, so she decided to unwind and read the paper a little before attending to the twins.

Looking back, she wished that she never opened that paper.

'Is the Croix/Ink marriage on the rocks already? Star Insider has the details.'

'It was only a few months ago that star Miles Croix married Ophelia Ink, sister of Juliet Ink, in a private ceremony. However, rumors of trouble in paradise have already been surfacing.

Miles was seen recently at a casting call without his wedding ring! Ophelia, though rarely spotted by the press, has always worn her ring in public. When asked to comment, Miles declined, but his mother had plenty to say.

"In my opinion, they've always been mismatched." Reina said to us Friday. "Never quite good together. I've always thought that Miles was enamored with the idea of marrying someone ordinary, but now the interest is wearing off."

When given this quote, Miles refused to comment.'

--- --- --- --- ---

"Mommy? Mama, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, dear."

"You don't look happy, Mommy, ever since you came home. Was Casey mean to you?"

"No honey. It's nothing."

"Paige is right, you do look a little down." Miles said, entering the room. "What's up?"

Filly looked away. "Not here."


"I don't want to talk about it here." she repeated, gesturing to the kids before walking out of the room. Paige tried to follow, but Miles stopped her.

"Hey Paigey, how about you stay here and play with your brother? Ethan has a nice looking block castle over there."

"Okay Daddy!"

"What's wrong, Lia?" Miles asked when he reached her in the outside hall.

After a moment, she responded.

"Are you ashamed of being married to me, Miles?"

"What?! What on earth would give you that idea?!"

"I read the papers. Miles, you wouldn't even defend our marriage."

"Lia, they're just the press. They say all kinds of stupid stuff. I shouldn't have to explain myself to them."

"What about your wedding ring then? You don't even wear it at home."


"Look Lia, it's...hard for a married guy to get an acting role sometimes. Casting likes guys who are perceived as obtainable to the people watching the movie."

"But you're not obtainable. You're mine. Aren't you?"

"Of course! I'm here with you now, aren't I?"

"I'd like to be in your thoughts when you're not home too, though." she said. "I want you to look at your ring and think about me. It's not that much of a sacrifice, is it?"

And then, everything he never wanted to say came tumbling out.

"And what have you sacrificed?!"

Stop it.

"Lia, I can't get a job like this. People think I'm choosing family over work!"

Don't say that to her.

"If you want me to provide for this family, then you're going to have so sacrifice something too. And I'm sorry, but that might just be bragging in public how we're married."

You're going to lose her.

"So that's..."

Stop it.

"...something you'll just have to..."

Stop it!


"I get it. You don't have to say anymore. Sorry I'm such a burden, then."

Say something.

Blame the media. Blame your mother. Blame Sol.

Say something.
Blame someone.

Just say something...

But in the end, nothing that he needed to say ever made it past his lips.

--- --- --- --- ---

Yes, their problems still aren't fixed! You may be wondering why I'm putting them through this again, but all I can say is that Sol is right - Miles really hasn't made up his mind.

Also, it's pretty much a rule that I can't let Filly be happy. That's just the way it is. Keep that in mind.

Please comment~

the ink family legacy generation 3, story pages

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