Fic: Five People That Tony Stark Never Made A Suit For (And One He Did)

Aug 25, 2012 21:15

Hello all the new people on my f-list! I have an introductory sticky post thing and feel free to ask me anything any time. For now, have some fic! I’ve been messing around with this one on and off just for fun whilst working on other things and I figure making new friends should be fun, so, hopefully, this is something fun to say ‘hi’ :)

Title: ( Read more... )

fanfiction: doctor who, fanfiction: crossovers/fusions, fanfiction: torchwood, fanfiction: harry potter, fanfiction: avengers, fanfiction: firefly/serenity, fanfiction: buffy/angel, fanfiction: all

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Comments 11

Brilliant! kadollan August 25 2012, 23:23:32 UTC
I particularly loved Colin (poor Colin. ::sigh::) This was great. Cross-fandom romps are the best romps.

(Also, it took me half way through to realize WHICH River that was. Even the "“Trust me, crazy is her area of expertise" wasn't enough to tip me off. Maybe there's just something about women named River...)


Re: Brilliant! inkvoices August 27 2012, 19:52:36 UTC
If Colin had been able to grow up he would have such a fantastic bridge between the Muggle and Wizarding worlds, a guy who really loves the Wizarding World but, if the camera is anything to go by, never left behind his roots like a of Muggleborns appear to, rather adapts his old knowledge to the new. I have a lot of feels about Colin :)

I love playing with crossovers. Glad you enjoyed this one!

Heh, yeah, note to self: never name a kid River!


Re: Brilliant! kadollan August 28 2012, 00:00:03 UTC
If Colin had been able to grow up he would have such a fantastic bridge between the Muggle and Wizarding worlds, a guy who really loves the Wizarding World but, if the camera is anything to go by, never left behind his roots like a of Muggleborns appear to, rather adapts his old knowledge to the new. I have a lot of feels about Colin :)RIGHT? It seems like Dennis could kind of pick up that mantle though - like he doesn't know what to do with himself after the war, and maybe he even leaves the wizarding world completely for a while until he realizes, "Shit, my brother died so that I could live as a wizard. What the hell am I doing?" So he goes back, and realizes that things aren't really that much better than they were before the war started. He decides to change that - he finds Hermione and enlists her help and they form societies and hand out leaflets and organize "Million Mudblood Marches" (they've decided that the only way to destigmatize the name is to reclaim it...there's a lot of controversy about that) and mostly they just ( ... )


Re: Brilliant! inkvoices August 28 2012, 00:33:34 UTC
I love stories that take a look at Muggle rights within the Wizaring World. You might like one of my earlier fics, Fighting To Explain From In-Between which is a Dennis story that you might find somewhat familiar in a way *grins*. One of the most recent I've read is In Loco Parentis by Dolores_Crane, which has Hermiona coming across a Hestia who opens her eyes. I think some of the characterisations are AU, but takes a good look at Muggle Civil Rights and where the hell are they in the Wizarding World. I lost most of my harry potter fic links when my old laptop died unfortunately, so can't link to my old favourites, meh. (I'm working on bookmarking on AO3 and other places online in case that kind of thing happens again!)


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inkvoices August 27 2012, 19:59:31 UTC
Have you seen the comic con where someone got Alan to read out Wash's obituary? I died of laughing :D

I love playing with crossovers. Glad that you enjoyed this one!


sweetwatersong August 27 2012, 00:15:07 UTC
I loved the wide variety of characters and fandoms you chose, but did you have to pick the ones who have tragic ends? (I don't know about Sato, as I've never watched Torchwood.) On the other hand, the wise-cracks and humor made this a wonderful read, and so did imagining the worlds where these could all exist. What I wouldn't give to see an Avengers!verse Firefly crew... although being with SHIELD kind of prohibits being pirates.



inkvoices August 27 2012, 20:03:23 UTC
Sorry! I picked the character that had died on purpose, because they're some of my favourites and also because I'd like to think that sometime, somewhere they get to do awesome things like fly around in Iron Man suits :) I love playing with crossovers - so many possibilites! - and I'm glad that you enjoyed the fic :D

I'm actually working on an all the Avengers are a crew in the Firefly 'verse fic, but there's no interaction with Firefly characters. No idea when that one's going to get though because it's grown into a monster. I've signed up for an avengers big bang crossover thing so hopefully a deadline will encourage me to get it done!


rthstewart August 29 2012, 13:04:45 UTC
This was so much fun. I especially enjoyed Tony and Colin's mutual frustration. River pats Steve's butt! Of course she does, you saucy minx. You captured her voice wonderfully. And of course, Natasha grabs a wooden umbrella to stake vamps. That's a great character moment for her.

And finally, every time I see him being all humorously self-deprecating in fic, it brings tears to my eyes: “There were no ticky boxes for ‘axe murderer’ or ‘clown’ on my intake form,” Wash tells him. “It’s definitely an oversight.”

so much fun!


inkvoices August 29 2012, 18:36:14 UTC
Glad that you enjoyed it! :D I've read a few fics where Tony says that he hates magic or gets caught out by magic, and I think that he'd do something about that :) And, oh Steve, you think you were confused by fondue? Meet River *grins*. I think Natasha can and does turn everything and anything into a weapon. (And maybe in my head I have thing about umbrella's being dangerous now because of Mycroft in Moffat's Sherlock, heh.) And Wash. This fic started because of the 15 character meme - list fifteen characters, don't tell anyone who they are, get people to pick a few numbers to meet - where Wash and Tony got together. Since I started with Wash I started thinking of all the other characters who died and how great it would be if somewhere they're off doing things like flying Iron Man suits. But that always starts with Wash, because WASH :'(


rthstewart August 29 2012, 18:38:54 UTC
Wash isn't' dead. What are you talking about. Geez. He's not dead to you hear me. NOT DEAD. LA LA LA LA


inkvoices August 29 2012, 18:48:21 UTC
Of course not! He read out his own obituary and mocked it! (That comic con moment was hilarious)


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