Title: A Strange Girl Fandom: Natsume Yuujinchou Characters: Natsume Reiko Rating: G Words: (+/-) 577 Summary: Reiko stops caring about the stares and lives on, but when she dies, the stares live on. Notes: Written for
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seems to be... realistic. so that's why Reiko collected the names and didn't call any of them.)) another great fic, thanks ^^ i'm curious by the way how did she passed away (in the manga was mentioned she died under the tree), who was her husband (or just someone who gave a life to her doughter) and there is the question that i REALLY want to find an answer for: WHY on earth Takashi's last name is "Natsume"? OK, maybe Reiko's doughter had Reiko's last name, but Takashi had a father. then why he has mother's last name? kind of strange. there's over 14 volumes of manga, and we still don't know why... T__T well i just want to say "keep going" or 「がんばってください」 or "постарайся!" хD
I made sure to keep this as vague as possible concerning Reiko's death, since I have yet to learn too much about it. What chapter mentions her death, though? I can't seem to remember that part or I completely overlooked it.
You pose a lot of good questions, though. I hope we get them answered in the upcoming chapters, especially that one about Takashi's last name. Or maybe Natsume was once an old Exorcist clan that just died out or something, and his mother upheld the tradition of marrying into the family. I think Takashi's dad probably accepted his wife's name, in this case. And I'm really curious to know why.
And thanks! I'll make sure to keep writing for this series. =)
It's chapter 11, page 122, when Nanase asked about how Reiko died and Natsume answered he heard that "she died under a tree". It wasn't mentioned in the series, through, so it's easy to overlook. oh, and in chapter 59 Natsume said to Tanuma that Reiko gave birth to her doughter without getting married. And natsume's mother didn't know her father at all. So, Reiko wasn't married after all. and about the Natsume clan, it's seems to be very attractive theory *__*
Thanks! I reread those chapters and now I have all kinds of theories in mind regarding the Natsume family.
It's possible that Reiko never told the man that gave life to her daughter that she was pregnant; I could see her doing something like that. And as for her daughter keeping the same last name, it's a possibility that her husband agreed she should keep it the same. There's just so many open-ended possibilities and I really can't wait for the truth to come out!
I always found Reiko's character rather mysterious and almost otherworldly in the manga, so this was a special treat. That, and I really like your introspective/speculative writings~
You've done a wonderful job at making her so understandable. And say what you will about me being good at tying things up at then end, you, my friend, are just as masterful at it! Seriously, all my feels at the end!
Great work on another daily! *scuttles off to attempt to read/review another one*
I adore Reiko's character a lot. She's similar to Takashi in so many ways, but they have so many differences too! She makes for the best introspective pieces. I really want to write more of her in the future. Possibly a story of her and the mysterious man who gave her manjuu and worried about her. And maybe add in some jealous Hinoe.
Comments 6
i'm curious by the way how did she passed away (in the manga was mentioned she died under the tree), who was her husband (or just someone who gave a life to her doughter) and there is the question that i REALLY want to find an answer for: WHY on earth Takashi's last name is "Natsume"? OK, maybe Reiko's doughter had Reiko's last name, but Takashi had a father. then why he has mother's last name? kind of strange. there's over 14 volumes of manga, and we still don't know why... T__T
well i just want to say "keep going" or 「がんばってください」 or "постарайся!" хD
You pose a lot of good questions, though. I hope we get them answered in the upcoming chapters, especially that one about Takashi's last name. Or maybe Natsume was once an old Exorcist clan that just died out or something, and his mother upheld the tradition of marrying into the family. I think Takashi's dad probably accepted his wife's name, in this case. And I'm really curious to know why.
And thanks! I'll make sure to keep writing for this series. =)
oh, and in chapter 59 Natsume said to Tanuma that Reiko gave birth to her doughter without getting married. And natsume's mother didn't know her father at all. So, Reiko wasn't married after all.
and about the Natsume clan, it's seems to be very attractive theory *__*
It's possible that Reiko never told the man that gave life to her daughter that she was pregnant; I could see her doing something like that. And as for her daughter keeping the same last name, it's a possibility that her husband agreed she should keep it the same. There's just so many open-ended possibilities and I really can't wait for the truth to come out!
You've done a wonderful job at making her so understandable. And say what you will about me being good at tying things up at then end, you, my friend, are just as masterful at it! Seriously, all my feels at the end!
Great work on another daily! *scuttles off to attempt to read/review another one*
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