Sep 03, 2011 00:04

So I am going to be so stir-crazy tomorrow. (Today?) Who's up? Who's around? Tell me about your day, your summer, your life, the fic you're writing, the fic you're not writing. Let us chat.

Or you can show me cat macros. That works too.

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Comments 21

byzantienne September 3 2011, 04:17:15 UTC

My flatmates are showing me Gundam Wing for the first time! So that's a thing. A thing with giant robots in.

I am also trying to Have an Idea for HSO Round 3. By which I mean I have many many ideas but none of them are 'fic ideas', they're all 'oh cool!' ideas. Or really self-indulgent. Like the one with Terezi the Byzantine imperial agent after the sack of Constantinople in 1204 and the demise of proper legal authority. But I don't know where Dave fits in that.

Also I am reading a whole lot of Chinese poetry.

And every so often working on my dissertation.

I never know if my life is cool or terribly boring.


inkpool September 3 2011, 05:06:49 UTC
A very wise lady once told me that all fanfiction is self-indulgent, one way or another--and I rather agree! Either way, I don't think that has to be a bad thing, and your idea sounds hopelessly cool. I would read the shit out of that.

I have--lots of weird and conflicting ideas for this round, and I'm not sure they'll cohere. XD AUs are...not my forte. But I am really looking forward to seeing all the entries--everyone is so excited, it's been fun to see.

I never know if my life is cool or terribly boring.

I vote terribly cool. And you should tell me more about the poetry. :o


byzantienne September 3 2011, 14:43:06 UTC
I will think about actually writing it. It's just so incredibly exactly what I write about in my academic life I'm kind of side-eying myself.

The poetry! Um, my Giant Original Fiction Project is set in an alternate-historical modern China, but one of the main characters is a court poet. And I am entirely obsessed with Chinese literature right now. So I, er, snuck into an undergrad class on the subject.


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inkpool September 3 2011, 05:16:41 UTC
Ha, I just need something to do with my time. XD

It's just a protest thing for Tumblr's stupid decisions involving messaging horseshit and other things. I don't think it'll accomplish anything but hey. :/

You should do it anyway! You are just doing a nice thing for some people, you don't mean to slight anyone, and I think people will understand and respect that :>


doxorz September 3 2011, 04:49:10 UTC

I am trying to Tumblr Blackout but sometimes I click on the 'Tumblr' button on my bookmarks and I am just like FUCK EVERYTHING @__@

In the moments when I am actually behaving, I am making my way through Game of Thrones, having Ideas for HSO (ones that involve , and attempting to survive college...


inkpool September 3 2011, 05:20:29 UTC
sob sob I am already having withdrawal issues! HOW DOES ANYONE GO WITHOUT TUMBLR EVER, I NEED CONSTANT STIMULUS

Good luck with college, though! It is so different, but I hope you find it good times, and that your first year is a little less harrowing than mine was, haha. ♥


doxorz September 3 2011, 06:12:22 UTC
ME TOO TBH, all I want to do is click the Tumblr button but alas, I also want to support the cause. It's like Sophie's Choice all up in here.

And thank you! I am so going to need it @__@. It's been quite the rough social transition but I heard it gets better so I refuse to admit that I have no friends (yet...)


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inkpool September 3 2011, 05:23:58 UTC
I approve of this! Even if John probably does not.

Hahaha, yeah, it--I cannot believe I have become this dependent on Tumblr in this short a time, personally. But we gotta be strong! We can survive without temptation!

And yeah, that's the problem, isn't it? Especially with open-ended AUs like this, I tend to find everything is either really short or a novel.


partingxshot September 3 2011, 05:06:04 UTC
Hahaha it's funny that I was only checking my LJ because I was already going stir-crazy with no tumblr around

Today (yesterday) I moved back into my dorm, so I haven't gotten anything done by way of fandom except type up a self-righteous rant. Too many of those lately. But the good news is I have wi-fi in my room, which is a step up from last year!


inkpool September 3 2011, 05:26:06 UTC
WE WILL SURVIVE. Keep the faith! Keep the faith!

Just getting back to school, yeah? I have a month to go myself, and I'm already dreading it. That is cool about the wi-fi, though; personally I don't know how I'd survive without it.

And shush, your self-righteous rants are awesome, okay? I am really grateful you stepped up and said these things, because otherwise I would have been sorely tempted to wade in and that never ends well.


partingxshot September 3 2011, 05:36:37 UTC
Oh man, thanks for that. I feel like it's kind of a tightrope sometimes between what you'd like to say and what just doesn't feel...prudent. Though I would be lying if I said it wasn't a big part of the reason I'm so anxious to be able to check tumblr again.

Ah, school. Don't have any of my books yet and classes start this Monday. This'll be fun.


inkpool September 3 2011, 05:53:13 UTC
No, no, I know what you mean--it's hard to know when to stop, and you've involved yourself in a pretty daunting conflict. But I'm glad of people like you and Ceph and Taz, and really glad these ideas have been voiced; I don't think you could clue Vex in with a two by four, but perhaps some more moderate members of his species will take something useful away from this conversation. I can only hope!

Ack, good luck with that! The beginning of the year is always a struggle, huh?


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