Once upon a time, I didn't spend my free hours thinking about boys in bands, pondering the innate hotness of drummers, reading comic books by rock stars, and researching the age of consent in Nevada. It was a dark time back then. A time of watching shows and movies with squinted eyes, hoping for a hint of subtext. Recently I have heard that some people out there are still living in this time of darkness, a world with no lovely, joyous bandom. This makes me so sad.
I know that I must share my love of bandom with those people who haven't yet seen the awesome. I just have to. Because Gerard Way would want me to try. So. My favorite band. Let me show you it.
Why I Love My Chemical Romance O So Very Much, Part I: Gerard and Frank.
First off, there's this guy. You may have heard of him. His name is Gerard Way.
Hi Gerard! You are so goshdarned cute. Gerard started My Chem because he wanted to make a difference in the world. He wanted to save lives. He's a very earnest guy. I mean, seriously. So sweet. So earnest. So totally and unabashedly sincere.
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Who can resist that? This video also has Ray in it. I ♥ Ray Toro eternally, but we'll get to that later.
Some people have resisted bandom because they fear that the boys in it are unwashed or perhaps not pretty. I would like to suggest that Gerard, though sometimes unwashed due to touring and perhaps a natural tendency towards sloth and grime, is in fact undeniably pretty:
also pretty.
Intense, but still pretty, right?
like a girl too.
He even prances prettily!
But wait a second.
Who could really think Gerard isn't a pretty pretty boy?
Hmm, let's think...
I just don't know!
Because the pretty is undeniable. No?
It's because of all the product he uses.
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Look at him sing and dance. How can you resist his extreme cuteness?
We're glad you're now on board with the pretty.
Footnote: Some folks have resisted bandom because they fear that the boys in it are very young and it makes them feel all pervy. Do not fear! Gerard is thirty.
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Anyhoo. This video brings us to an exciting and important point: Gerard isn't the only pretty boy in MCR. There's also a wee pocket-sized heartthrob.
Hi Frank!
Frank is a pretty, pretty princess.
He plays guitar.
Frank + guitar = hotness.
Frank + guitar + microphone + Franktongue = maximum hotness.
And again with the pretty.
Oh, and check out
old school Frankie.
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Yes, that's him with the pink hair and the screaming and the flailing sans guitar. This is with one of his old bands.
His look
changes from time to time.
That's just how he rolls.
Oh, and also?
Frank ♥s Gerard. It's canon.
Srsly u guys.
u guys.
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Here's Gerard talking about it.
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Q: What was it like when you kissed Frank on Saturday? Gerard: Magic. Fireworks.
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Q: Does Gerard sleep naked? Frank: Yes he does. Gerard: No. Frank: You did when you slept with me!
Others have documented thoroughly and fabulously the awesome that is Frank and Gerard. If you want more of this awesomeness, you should try:
All you ever needed to know about the Projekt Revolution tour this summer.+
recent massive picspam.
+ There's just
so much great stuff out there.
And, okay. This isn't even my absolute favorite pairing in this band. I mean, don't get me wrong,
Frank/Gerard is made of awesome. I could hang out in that awesomeness for a really really long time. However. This:
Well. I ♥ it. But it must be left for another night because it is bedtimes.
Shh, Ray!
Frankie needs his beauty sleep.
It's bedtimes!
Even Spencer Smith is sleepy, and he is young and spry and stays out late. But don't worry about him. He's in Panic! at the Disco. That's for another night entirely.
ETA: sources
mainly here.