f(x)/Super Junior/SHINee {Amber/Victoria, Hankyung/Heechul, Jonghyun/Key ; easy like sunday morning}

Oct 16, 2009 00:02

feeling quite "meh" about my writing right now so I decided to just write whatever. This is quite an old idea that I decided to just get down into words, the concept of what my three otps would do in a morning. Written in less than an hour :| mostly unedited. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

easy like Sunday morning / Amtoria / Hanchul / Jongkey / 502 words / PG

The alarm blares at the end of the bed. Victoria surges upright, surprised, then flops back down with a groan. Amber murmurs sleepily against the pillow. She could sleep through a train crash, Victoria knows. Victoria doesn't have the strength of mind to ignore the blaring. She sits upright again, runs a hand through her hair, gets in tangled in the strands. It's a mess, a veritable bird-nest sitting atop her head. She somehow gets her hands out and sits, squinting her eyes blearily. Lets her hands drop to her sides against the covers, knuckles just brushing against the dress that was pulled over her head the night before. Amber wriggles on the bed, shifts so she can rest her head against her thigh and murmur sleepily into her naked hip, breath warm. Victoria lets her hand absently play with her hair. The alarm shrieks away, but she's not awake enough to think about switching it off.

The alarm going off makes Hankyung shoot a hand out on the second ring and he knocks it off with practise. He could do it in his sleep now, except that would defeat the purpose. Heechul mutters something, clearly not happy, and tries to bury his head under the pillow. Hankyung lets his arm hang over the side of the bed. Pulls Heechul in with the other one. Curls fingers possessively around his shoulder, fingers fitting so perfectly now. He wishes he could have just an extra half hour, just like this, with Heechul's legs warm against his own, but he has a plane to catch. Heechul knows it too, pinches at his stomach with perfect fingernails, mutters at him to get ready. Hankyung sits up, squints at the alarm, 4AM. Heechul lies on his stomach as Hankyung stumbles around getting dressed. He kisses the back of Heechul's neck before he leaves and thinks that says so much more than he could ever achieve in words.

Jonghyun and Key don't need an alarm, not with Minho around to get them up for their early morning run that the two hate. He yells their names and tugs at their feet hanging out the bottom of Jonghyun's bunk until they pull them in under the covers and say something about getting up just to make him leave them alone. When he goes into the kitchen to investigate Onew's yell of pain, Key hits his hand on Jonghyun's stomach, tells him to get up. Jonghyun retorts that he should get up. Key insults him, and Jonghyun tries his best but is ultimately too half-asleep to come up with anything. Instead, he pulls Key across so that he's half slumped across him, brushes his lips across his jaw and Key sighs and closes his eyes and they fall back asleep until Minho comes in to see what they're doing. He thinks that he's the only one doing any work, and Jonghyun will agree with him if it means he gets to lie like this with Key warm on top of him.

fandom: shinee, fandom: super junior, pairing: amber/victoria, fandom: f(x), !drabble, pairing: jonghyun/key, pairing: hankyung/heechul

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