Super Junior {bandfic ; Boys' Generation (1/3)}

Jul 25, 2009 15:33

Title: Boys' Generation
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: Kangin/Eeteuk, Yehsung/Ryeowook, Hankyung/Heechul, Kibum/Donghae, Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi
Word count: 707
Rating: PG-13
Summary: 5 times Super Junior turned into girls
A/N: What I was actually doing was writing Super Junior-as-a-girl-group fic and thinking about a Sungmin genderswitch that I had been writing and just suddenly thought about Ryeowook as a girl and quickly wrote this out before I went to bed last night. It's short and sweet and stupid, but idk, I like it. The great thing is there are 15 members so there's the capacity to write another two. "5 more times Super Junior turned into girls" and "Final adventures of Super Junior as girls", lol idk. Possibly the first of three.

lols I like to play around with formatting.

Boys' Generation (1/3)

Kangin, it turns out, doesn't make a very good girl -- no shit Sherlock is the general consensus to this revelation. The lack of success is partly because her body structure doesn't lend well to it, and partly because she doesn't take well to her transformation. She's moody, aggressive, loud and too much like normal Kangin for there to be anything attractive about her. She hates being a girl and blames everyone else in the whole world for the misfortune, with the result that a few of them cower whenever she enters the room.

"I thought the stylist noonas could be scary," Eunhyuk whispers to Donghae. "They've got nothing on hyung."

All in all, it's enough to convince Eeteuk that no, he really doesn't like girls all that much.


Ryeowook is the type of girl who gets hit on by perverts and randomly groped in the street. She's tiny, delicately formed, softly spoken, clings to the cuffs of sleeves and looks up with wide, soulful eyes. Every single one of them want to wrap her in cotton wool and lock her in her room for the rest of her life because that innocence should never be tainted, even though as a boy Ryeowook's been sleeping with Yehsung for a couple of years and can get violent when they don't eat his food: Ryeowook never needed protecting before. Three of them get pulled up in front of a manager at different times to explain why they felt it was necessary to punch a guy in the street.

"He put his hand on Ryeowook's ass," Yehsung/Kangin/Henry all say.

Eventually, even one of the managers punches someone and none of the others ever get wrong for it again.


The thing is, Heechul doesn't want anyone to know, so on the morning that she finds out she's suddenly grown a pair, she initiates a massive fight with Hankyung about nothing whatsoever that ensures her at least a week of breathing space. Unfortunately, four days in Donghae does his customary thing of bursting into her bathroom while she's showering and ruins the whole pretence. Heechul's figure isn't actually that different to how it was as a boy, she's flat-chested with basically no ass and she can't walk in heels at all. It's all a bit of a disappointment, considering how many times they've called her a Princess when she was a boy.

"It's just so fucking embarrassing," she whines into Hankyung's neck.

Hankyung is overjoyed to find that for at least five days, he can actually kid himself into being attracted to girls.


Donghae has slim hips and long brown hair which tumbles down over her shoulders and damp lips and thanks to Heechul, rather short skirts. Kibum's hand can usually be found underneath one of said skirts, because he finds that she makes rather interesting noises, Donghae as a girl, sort of breathy and wanton, although the way she tilts her hips into the touch isn't that different. It turns out she has a very good S-line, which she shows off constantly because it's all very amusing, having these girl parts, she could never move like that before.

"Look," she says. "Just put your hand there and feel what happens when I do this--"

She sends half the group to therapy without even really being aware of it.

Zhou Mi.

The whole group develops a bit of a complex when it's Zhou Mi's turn, because there's something Just Not Right about a girl being that much taller than them. It goes completely against the laws of nature and there's a bit of grumbling and bitching until they realise that Zhou Mi looks kind of weird as a girl but is the perfect type for it. Finally, she can squeal at spiders and not be looked at like some sort of freak of nature. Finally, she can buy the same shirt in five different colours and have no one imitate her on national television. It's not that she's not happy to turn back into a boy, but while it lasts, she's overjoyed at being a girl.

"Come on, Seasoning," says Heechul happily. "Let's go shopping!"

Kyuhyun groans and buries his head under his pillow and decides that he's not coming out for a very, very long time.

pairing: yehsung/ryeowook, pairing: kibum/donghae, fandom: super junior, !5 times, pairing: kangin/eeteuk, pairing: kyuhyun/zhou mi, pairing: hankyung/heechul

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