VIXX {various pairings ; blank space}

May 24, 2015 02:00

Title: blank space
Fandom: VIXX (AU, !vampire)
Pairing: hyuk/sungjae, n/leo, ravi/bongbin, mentions of hyuk/ken
Word count: 4,393
Rating: R (for mURDER)
Summary: It’s the beginning of the end.
A/N: I just got back from Dream Concert. I’m so tired. Have an update.

( It was odd, how Hakyeon had adjusted to things that previously had been so hard to swallow. )

***the cut text is a link that will take you to ao3.

pairing: n/leo, pairing: ken/hyuk, pairing: ravi/hongbin, au: vixx!vampire, pairing: hyuk/sungjae, fandom: vixx, rating: r

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