Title: kappa ate a delta (bonus fic)
Fandom: VIXX (AU, !vampire)
Pairing: none, this fic is jaehwan-centric
Word count: 4,100
Rating: R
Summary: Jaehwan eats a frat boy.
A/N: READ ME OMG. this is not really an update. it does not contribute to the main storyline at all. it’s just pure self-indulgent fuckery. this fic takes place several years before hakyeon ever met taekwoon. i wrote it last halloween, intending to post it then, but by the time i finished it, halloween was pretty much over ~_~ so i decided to save it for a future date. i didn’t have time to write a proper update this week cuz finals, but i didnt want to not post smth, SO, i decided now. now was the time for some good old-fashioned jaehwan asshattery.
next week we shld be back to your regularly scheduled programming, and i hope you guys like this silly little fic anyway ♥
Jaehwan’s always hunted on Halloween, but the humans used to make it difficult. )
***the cut text is a link that will take you to ao3.