
Feb 11, 2013 12:11

What's a fun way to pass the time that doesn't involve other people ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

burning_phoneix February 11 2013, 10:08:34 UTC


On your PC!


Nintendo 3DS+ Fire Emblem or da Pokemans when it comes out.

Alternatively, I download entire series from torrents and marathon watch them.


inkedfeathers February 11 2013, 13:08:07 UTC
Ooh, all great ideas!

Although, this isn't applicable when I get bored the most: at college! ^o^;;

Definitely marathoning shows lately, though! (This is possible because no baby interruptions right now. xD;) Including some I've left unfinished for aaaages. Good fun! ^_^

I'm a terrible gamer and most games don't hold my interest, but the Pokemon games are definitely fun! Know a lot of people who like Fire Emblem too.


burning_phoneix February 11 2013, 13:49:48 UTC
Do you have an iOS device of any sort?


teamrodent February 12 2013, 07:06:20 UTC
Did you remember to bring Squeaky with you?

I guess you could try writing fiction. (Original or Fan.)


inkedfeathers February 12 2013, 15:39:22 UTC
Squeakyyyy, I should drag him along~!

Ooh, have been doing that a bit, but probably not enough! ^^/ Thanks for the suggestion! Might help with my terrible handwriting too. xD


yojichan February 23 2013, 07:04:42 UTC
Well, you mentioned that you like to eat but the college food is not very promising. How about learning to make food that you enjoy?

You can also pick out a new hobby or perhaps take up a new sport? Or self-defense?


inkedfeathers February 23 2013, 14:36:01 UTC
It's a good idea! I hate the idea of cooking, but I like baking and learning to make quick, simple meals is way funner than I thought it was (finally made some of those mug brownies a while back and they were delish!), so might be a good idea! I'm not so bored at home as I am at college, though. xD;

Reading definitely helps! I think my problem's been pretty much solved, since I'm now joining a book club at college. ^_^

(Self-defense! I'd love to get back into Tae Kwon Do. Don't know anywhere to train at it here, though. ^^; )


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