The beach!

Jan 18, 2013 14:49

First of all, thank you very much for all the lovely gifts, Sevi and Umm Shamsa! ;3; I don't spend enough time on LJ these days... well, finals are over now, so there's that! <3 ( Read more... )

photographs, family

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Comments 2

yojichan January 30 2013, 00:55:46 UTC
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh!


I MISS IT TERRIBLY. I cannot even describe intelligently how much I miss it. Imagine, I come from a tropical country but haven't set foot in the beach for more than 10 years! HOW MUCH DOES THAT SUCK?

I LOVE THE BEACH! And I LOVE the pictures you shared here. They're so lovely!

Your little brother is so kawaii~~~ <3

I am really happy you are experiencing all this.
Here in the US, we are experiencing low temps, snow...hahahah!
InshaAllah, we will visit the beach. I'M GONNA SCREAM!


inkedfeathers January 30 2013, 03:20:39 UTC
Oh, wow, that's so tragic! ;^;

You need to get yourself and your family over to the beach sometime to enjoy a lovely day!

And thank you. ;3;

Yes, masha Allah, he's adorable.

Insha Allah! Because of your snow comment before it, I somehow misinterpreted iyour last line as "I'M GONNA BE ICE CREAM!" xDDD;


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