[Fanfiction] Plug In

Sep 01, 2010 16:56

Author: inkcharm_666 
Title: Plug In
Warnings: pure crack, strong sexual references
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Hyde, Kaz, Ju-Ken, mentions of Arimatsu and Jin
Disclaimer: All people mentioned in this story are real people. I do not mean to slight them with this work of fiction, nor to I mean to suggest their life really looks like this. I make no profit out of this ( Read more... )

!fanfiction, pairing: kazxhyde, status: one-shot, status: drabble, genre: humour, fandom: jrock, character: hyde, rating: pg-13, character: other

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Comments 30

lovelydagger23 September 1 2010, 15:09:55 UTC
*Falls over giggling madly* Oh woow this was funny. This made my day. ^.^


inkcharm_666 September 1 2010, 17:40:24 UTC
Glad I could make you laugh ^^ Thank you for commenting.


b_sim September 1 2010, 15:26:39 UTC
HAHA. AWESOME. I love Hyde in all of these. He seems like such a bimbo. XDD And all the others, pure dorks. Gotta love them. ♥


inkcharm_666 September 1 2010, 17:40:48 UTC
Thank you ^^ I'm glad you liked this.


plain_ornament September 1 2010, 15:58:27 UTC
*dies of laughter*


inkcharm_666 September 1 2010, 17:41:19 UTC
If we put two of the same icon together, do you think they'll make pretty babies?


plain_ornament September 1 2010, 20:58:06 UTC
what use is there for another pretty icon when its the real thing we want

oh and HOW COME i didnt know the diet part yet, ehh?! ò.Ó been trying to keep secrets have you...

and because i havent done so in a while, i will point out my fave sentences here:
"... as if I care about your mental health."
feels so like him, really! *resists the urge to repeat some of hydes more crack-tastic and suggestive live comments here -> we want to keep to the rating provided* mental health and hyde shouldnt be mentioned in one sentence.

“It bothers you?”
“It's just... you and Ju-Ken...”
“Well, me and Ju-Ken and Arimatsu and Jin.”
*cracks up*
boss is gonna be busy for many more nights to come i say xD

"A glittering plush lizard with green stripes and black beady eyes?"
i'd even consider giving it to hyde come to think of it that way, but it was a present from my dad so he'll stay with me! and my desk, protecting my graphic tablet when i'm not around (you know they're really useful, green plush lizards they are!)

...and answer ( ... )


inkcharm_666 September 1 2010, 21:10:30 UTC
Oh bb you make my night here xD

The diet part was a spontaneous add-on. I figured you would appreciate something fresh ;)

Hey o.O Gimme some of that champagne! I want to have fun, too. And what's with the drinking lately anyway? And why do you deny me the fun of a conversation with a half-drunk Enoki?

Questions questions.



faded_poetry September 1 2010, 16:17:22 UTC

This is... I can so see this happening when a bunch of guys see each other everyday. LMAO still~


inkcharm_666 September 1 2010, 17:41:54 UTC
xD Yeah, it's gotta be crack pure with them, right? Thanks for the comment!


schwarzfluegel September 1 2010, 18:46:38 UTC
Oh mein Gackt, das war grandios! Auch wenn KazuHai nich so mein Ding is, hab ich mich echt bei jedem einzelnen Teil so dermaßen kaputtgelacht |D Die Macharten waren auch sehr cool, ich mag diesen Dialogstil. Bei dem mit der Diät war ich irgendwann raus, wer was sagt, aber es hat trotzdem extremst gerockt! Bitte mehr davon x3


inkcharm_666 September 1 2010, 20:31:32 UTC
Ich hab noch eine ähnliche Sammlung mit MC Crack-Drabbles xD Ich hab einfach einen derben Spaß dabei, diese kleinen Appetithäppchen zu schreiben, hihi.
Freut mich sehr, dass es dir gefallen hat, und lieben Dank für den Comment!


plain_ornament September 2 2010, 19:02:30 UTC
du hast einen derben spaß dabei, mich von der arbeit abzuhalten. nenn doch das kind beim namen! 8D


inkcharm_666 September 2 2010, 19:19:25 UTC



Okay, erwischt xD


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