Tutorial 4: A Guide To My Favourite Fonts, Combining of Fonts and Favourite Textures

Jul 13, 2014 16:34

Look at me getting an early start on the ATM requests. \o/

So anassa_anemou very kindly asked me for a collection of my favourite fonts and textures and how I combine fonts.

Here it goes.

This is definitely one of my top favourites. It is so versatile and fits almost anywhere. I usually use it when I want to use a sans-serif font that stands out.

For example:

One of my favourite cursive fonts because it also looks clear, which is a problem with some other cursive fonts.

For example:

Such an elegant sans-serif font. It works very well on icons where you want to add small spaced apart text. It also works well with icons which have muted colouring, in case you want to add some vintage-y looking text.

For example:

I like this font for the drama it can create in an icon. I tend to use it only to emphasize single words though cause even though its ridiculously pretty, it’s not always readable. -_-

For example:

It’s a great cursive font for emphasizing single words and since the font comes in three different widths, you can always pick and choose.

For example:




When I am looking to combine fonts for an icon, I usually have a vague idea, that is I know I want to combine one sans-serif or serif font with a cursive font. However, finding a combination that looks good always takes some finagling.

In these icons below, once I decided what my serif or sans-serif fonts where going to be, I had a grand old ( and also frustrating) time  cycling through all the fonts I had to decide which fit the icon best! So yes it takes time and patience and numerous times but it is worth it when you finally find the font that makes you go, “ YASSSS THIS IS PERFECT”.

Another way of creating contrast would also be using only one font throughtout the icon but switching up the sizes. Like so:

Electricity, Merest and Contact are all the same font, (Open Sans Bold) but I just increased and decreased their sizes and messed around with the kerning.

Once again, one font but different sizes.

But font combination also has some pesky issues.

As in, while using two different fonts creates some contrast be careful or using two fonts that are wildly different or even more than two or three fonts. You don’t want your font choice and text overwhelming the icon, unless that is what you were going for in the first place.

To illustrate what I mean, look at these icons of mine:

I think I used four different fonts. FONT OVERKILL. I could have probably done with two or three.

The fonts are too similar. Yes I know one is a cursive font and the other is a serif font but they are too similar in terms of the mood they evoke and they don’t not really fit the icon. It’s another matter that the icon is terrible too. :D

TOO FAR APART, so much so that they are really jarring. I don’t know what I was thinking when making this icon but I do know that I fucked up a potentially good icon. :(

Here are typography tutorials that will offer you better advice on combining fonts and using fonts.

This is a kinda-complicated heavy duty one but it is helpful all the same
This one is a very good simple to understand and helpful tutorial

Sometimes, following font rules gives you a good result, sometimes fuck the police and screw the rules and you’ll produce a fantastic text icon. Use your own judgement and if you like the text you have put on an icon, that’s all that matters.  :)


If I had a no.1 favourite texture, this would be it. It instantly ups the contrast in an icon (when put on Softlight), when put on screen, it flattens the colours neatly, it’s just basically PERFECT. ON ANY AND ALL ICONS.

In general, I do adore tinebrella’s textures ( the paint ones especially). The are great for increasing contrast, giving icons painty icons and just being awesome. You can put them on screen for the painty effect, on overlay for the whambam effect, Softlight for a subtle effect, and hardlight when you want the painty bits to be especially visible, they are just GREAT!!
Then there are ALL of mm3butterfly’s textures. I love them because I can put them on screen and BAM, my flat icon has some colour and pop!

Then there is this texture by barstr7. When I am stumped for text, especially some elegant fancy looking text, this is the texture I always default too. Also, the grunge elements in the texture mean it always increases the contrast of the icon or adds some graininess to it!

This texture by blueymcphluey also is perfect. The purples and dark cyans it give your icon this subtle texture and ever so-slightly deepen the contrast.

endearest’s light textures are also a fave of mine. The large textures especially are great for adding light to the cap without losing out on image quality and also, great for contrast and flattening if you change the layer modes!

Um yeah, so that's about it. If you have any questions, do ask me! I will dew my best to answer. :D

!tutorial, !ask the maker

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