Title: Like a Fallen Angel Fandom: Night Watch Trilogy (movie!verse) Pairing: Anton/Kostya Rating/Warnings: 12 (blood and mild violence) Word Coung: 881 Summary: Anton has had just about enough A/N: written for
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ahjklhjlfhlh *flail* I'd forgotten all about this, so it was a lovely surprise! and omg, I love it. I love how angry, and how confident Kostya is, especially compared to Anton. I love that Anton can't remember drinking his drink (lol!), and the whole thing was beautiful and dark and dangerous, and this whole paragraph: "He can’t read the emotion on Kostya’s face. Maybe it isn’t even emotion at all, but a vampire’s desperate parody of human reaction. His lips are swollen and red, his face smeared with blood. His hair is sticking out at odd angles. He’s breathing fast and shallow." just killed me in the best of ways. I just. OMG. *more flail*
*squee* So glad you like it! :D Also, yay flailing!
Heh, I'd kinda forgotten too, until I saw the next book in Waterstones the other day, and according to the blurb it is all about the Anton/Kostya interaction. Which made me go "OMG FIC!!" and run home to force them to co-operate. XD
I did like it. I'm only sorry I couldn't say anything more substantial about it, other than going "*flail*" at everything. I think I may have to go back and re-read it, over and over and over and over.
Yeah, the third one, it's all "Anton and Kostya must work together in the face of Unspeakable Evil" or something like that. The upshot is, Kostya is all powerful and vampiric and Anton's leaving his cute happy family to kick ass with his sexy neighbour.
Well this was a lovely thing to stumble over this morning! I love the way you've written Anton, disheveled both physically and emotionally. The mystery of where his drink went at the beginning is great, then the last few paragraphs are just lovely.
Comments 6
♥ ♥ ♥
Heh, I'd kinda forgotten too, until I saw the next book in Waterstones the other day, and according to the blurb it is all about the Anton/Kostya interaction. Which made me go "OMG FIC!!" and run home to force them to co-operate. XD
What more could we want from a book?!
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