FFXII: Broken Skystones

Apr 22, 2008 21:00

Title: Broken Skystones
Rating: G
Word Count: 368
Characters: Vaan, Penelo
Notes: Oh god, why do I try to write in present tense? Why? And why does anyone let me write Penelo, I can never write Penelo. =_= DEAR FFXII FANDOM: PLEASE DON'T HOLD THIS ONE AGAINST ME, I'LL DO THIS BETTER. [Set post-game.]

'It's broken, Vaan,' Penelo says helplessly. )

ffxii: vaan, ffxii: penelo, ffxii

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Comments 2

thebaconfat April 23 2008, 04:20:53 UTC
Oh, I'm no Penelo expert, but I thought the characterization here was spot-on, especially this bit:

Vaan shakes his head. "We're sky pirates, Penelo," he says, and Penelo's reminded of the bossy ten year old she used to play with in the streets, of Kytes and Filo. A smile starts to creep across her face. "What would sky pirates do?"

And of course they would steal one! ♥

I really liked this.


not_cynical April 25 2008, 16:41:24 UTC
Oh PHEW. My FFXII characterisation is spotty, and Penelo's the one that always worries me most. ;_; And I'm glad you liked it! :D

(... I need to write Daring Heists now, don't I? With or without Balthier and Fran showing them how it's done. ._.)


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