PSoH: One for Remembrance, One for Forgetting, and One for Regrets

Feb 11, 2008 13:02

Title: One for Remembrance, One for Forgetting, and One for Regrets
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Characters: Howell, Papa D
Notes: Completely coincidentally and accidentally, I managed to write a double drabble (accident) on the week where one of the challenges over at psohdrabble is to write a double drabble (coincidence!). Fun times, brain, fun times... ( Read more... )

psoh: howell, psoh: papa d, petshop of horrors

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Comments 4

tigersilver February 12 2008, 01:06:58 UTC
Hmmm...yeah. T'is good. Very much in Vesca's head. Thank you.


not_cynical February 12 2008, 22:25:04 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you thought so! :D


yellowhorde February 12 2008, 01:44:32 UTC


not_cynical February 12 2008, 22:24:40 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you thought so! :D


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