FFX: The More Things Change

Aug 29, 2007 19:59

Title: The More Things Change
Rating: PG/R-ish
Word Count: 260
Characters: Auron/Jecht
Notes: ... This is probably the easiest attempt at a smutfic I have ever come up with. O_o There's no more smut than in the other one, but. Wow. Only half an hour and no flailing! ♥ [Written for Ironman7.]

Jecht had never understood why women expected him to change after they slept with him. )

[ironman7], ffx: jecht, [ironman7: smutfic], ffx: auron, ffx

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Comments 2

heyheyrenay September 10 2007, 22:11:00 UTC
All I have to say to this is ♥! ♥ ♥ ♥ And how even after everything they're still the same.


not_cynical September 14 2007, 16:16:14 UTC
:D :D :D :D Thanks Nayfish! I - I think that's why I like writing about them. I can make them fight, have sex, or fall of cliffs, and they're still exactly the same afterwards. ♥

I - I need Jecht icons, clearly.


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