FFX: Belief and Other Foolish Things

May 06, 2007 15:38

Title: Belief and Other Foolish Things
Word Count: 468
Rating: G
Characters: Auron, Jecht, Braska, Yuna mentioned
Notes: Written for pyre_flies. I think I used up most of my FFX mojo on ff_exchange. *dies*

Auron didn't believe a word of Jecht's story. With good reason. )

ffx: jecht, ffx: auron, ffx, ffx: braska, pyreflies

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Comments 2

muggy_mountain May 7 2007, 15:37:55 UTC
I like the conciseness of this --you give us just enough to tell the story and it reaches a zenith o' heartbreak in the second part. Comparing to Jecht to a child is very apt; civility can be some sort of domestication and the populace of dream!Zanarkand are rather stunted in their placid, easy little world.

A nitckpick: a few squads of mean I think you mean a few squads of men?


not_cynical May 10 2007, 14:57:01 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. :D (Stunted... THAT is a good word for them... *ponders*)

I did! *corrects it* Thanks for pointing it out. :)


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