FFX-2: A Sword is a Sword - Brotherhood

Apr 29, 2007 16:40

Title: A Sword is a Sword - Brotherhood
Rating: G
Word Count: 380
Characters: Yuna, Paine, Rikku, Brother and Shinra mentioned
Notes: Yes, "Yuna using Brotherhood" is one of the staple clichés of X-2 fic, and if it isn't it should be. I really have no excuse, apart from the fact that I wanted to write this and then write one about Rikku going "WTF ( Read more... )

ffx: yuna, ffx-2: paine, ffx-2, ffx: rikku, [a sword is a sword]

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Comments 2

owlmoose April 30 2007, 13:49:35 UTC
(Found via ff_press.) Maybe the plot ought to be cliche, but I don't think I've ever seen it before. I love all three of their reactions; they feel just right. Great ficbit! Thanks. :)


not_cynical April 30 2007, 17:09:15 UTC
Really? I would've thought people would've pounced all over it... And thank you! I always like to know I've got the characters right. :)


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