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Comments 47

lanyon May 17 2007, 21:39:53 UTC
oh, my word. so many wonderful things in this post including the wallpaper that's now adorning my laptop. (the charioteer!, how fantastic, thank you!)


inkaddict May 18 2007, 08:51:22 UTC
Thank you! *drools all over your username*


lanyon May 23 2007, 19:47:34 UTC
ahaha, thank you. i'd a livejournal for ages but then i saw that this name was available. so i jumped ship. so to speak. :))


la_petite_singe May 17 2007, 21:40:43 UTC
What a very cool, mixed batch! :) I just watched the ep with the quote from #14 the other day. Snagging a lot w/ credit. :)


s0_amazed May 17 2007, 23:14:16 UTC
Everything is lovely. I took a little bit of everything and will credit when used.


hiscuttingangel May 18 2007, 02:38:55 UTC
do you have a bigger copy of the banner about the walls we build around us keeping out the joy? I LOVE IT


inkaddict May 18 2007, 08:31:01 UTC
I could make a bigger one, what size do you need?


hiscuttingangel May 19 2007, 01:46:14 UTC
Don't know just a size that will allow me to see it a bit better yet also retain the clarity


inkaddict May 19 2007, 10:03:43 UTC
Ok, let's try THIS :)


sunset_winds May 18 2007, 03:01:48 UTC
You do fantastic work! I'm taking 21, 35, 38, 59 and 87 of the stock ones, and may come back for more later. Seriously, I love them all! I'll definitely be crediting you!


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