Title: Into that Good Night
eleanor_lavishPairing: Arthur/Eames
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2080
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor would they be happy if I did.
Summary: Eames spends more time on airplanes than the ground these days. If he slowed down enough to think about things, he'd admit he was running, but he somehow always ends up back
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Comments 19
Thank you, love. Delicate is not something I write often (since I usually have to hit my boys around the head with the idea they love each other), and I'm glad it came off well for you. <3
Thank you for writing this. And, you know. WAAAAAAH. ;____________;
I felt a bit of catharsis after I wrote it, no lie. Though I wonder what it says about me that I was that eager to tear Arthur down to a sobbing mess. He is human, and fic sometimes (not always, this fandom is amaaaazing) makes him more mechanical than real.
"This is the gift we're given, Arthur. This is the life we have. And if you build a castle around your heart, you'll never get to have any of it, not ever. You'll lose any part of you that I might have ever liked. Every petty, silly, haughty, vain part of you that makes you uniquely Arthur."
Absolutely goregous. ♥
Thank you, and thank you some more.
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