Dec 11, 2010 15:46
[As much as Mordecai enjoyed being the town's unofficial greeter, he figured it was high time to get some postings up. So, with some scrap material compounded from the City at large, he made a sign and erected it right outside the InkWell. This is what it said.]
A few things about this city you might want to note:
1) Your place of residence (or, failing that, someplace that you'd call home) has traveled with you and placed itself somewhere in the city, so you're not homeless! Unless you were before.
2) Your stay here is indefinite! (For now. Nobody has yet to figure out how to leave yet.)
3) For your own safety, try not to go too deep in the woods.
4) Your blood is made of ink now, though you might not notice it. (Tough break, vampires... although I think you might drink that ink, I don't know.)
5) You cannot die! To clarify: Well, you can die, but it's not permanent. You just get back up here, at the Ink Well.
6) That cell-phone looking thing? That's yours. Keep it.
7) There is no number 7.
8) Yes, the "Mayor" of this city is a giant ink blob.
9) Yes, various animals can talk. Try not to freak out.
#) Soylent ink monsters are people.
And that's it. Once again, welcome, and enjoy your stay.
~~ Mordecai
[regular show] mordecai