[It's that time again. Time for more crazy scientist shenanigans in Ink City!
This would seem like an accidental voice post, but trust me, there's no accident about this being broadcast. Don't expect any reply to this though.
No video for context, but it's clear from the start that whatever's going on really can't be good (And if you know Yakko well, you'll probably pick up that he's actually at least worried - he just knows how to mask that.) For clarification: if/when anyone gets here it's probably way too late. ]
Yakko: Lemme out! Hey! You hear me?
Trevor: A compound of my own making: paralytic fluid. When it reaches your lungs, you'll be completely paralyzed.
I've actually never actually seen if the fluid affected the other's neural function, perhaps I shall get a chance to study its effects now...
Yakko: Oh, is that all... Gee, here I thought it was Kool-Aid.
Trevor:What is this Kool Aid of which you speak?
No matter, I have a special purpose in store for you...
Yakko: Oh, you don't know? Oh well... guess you'll never find out now.
Trevor: I'm utterly disappointed.
Yakko: Nah -- I think you can still take a bit more disappointment.
Trevor: I've dealt with disappointment. So many failed experiments...
This time I shall succeed. This time there's no Aeon to stop me. Soon you shall--
Ah. We'll have to take care of that, won't we?
[There's a loud noise, and then static.]
Taken from here Edited, since that bit's over!]