I'm pretty sure I've posted this video before, but it's worth posting again just to include this quote from Bill Moyers.
In Japan for an international conference on religion, [Joseph] Campbell overheard another American delegate, a social philosopher from New York, say to a Shinto priest, "We've been now to a good many ceremonies and have seen quite a few of your shrines. But I don't get your ideology. I don't get your theology." The Japanese paused as though in deep thought and then slowly shook his head. "I think we don't have ideology," he said. "We don't have theology. We dance."
As they put it on Joseph Campbell Foundation web site, "One cautionary note - it's nearly impossible to watch this without bursting into a beatific grin ..."
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from
Matthew Harding on
Oh, what a world we could be living in.