Semi-coherent venting...

May 08, 2010 00:47

Gee, thanks for all your support, everyone. I really feel the enthusiasm you all have for this project ( Read more... )

idiocy on parade, this annoys me, i hate morons, jackass of the month award

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Comments 4

(The comment has been removed)

ingriam September 13 2010, 00:13:06 UTC
And this makes sense... how?


(The comment has been removed)

ingriam September 27 2010, 09:13:56 UTC

... )


sms anonymous April 16 2011, 02:34:28 UTC
It is my pleasure to say you that all of your articles are superb and I truly adore the way you put each and every sentence. I would rate you 8.75 out of 10. Brilliant work,keep it up. Your grammatical sense is simply outstanding. Continue the good work.And yes i have book mark your site .


Re: sms ingriam April 16 2011, 13:42:01 UTC
Thank you so much.


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