TedX Oil Spill Expedition Independent "week-long project to document the current situation in the Gulf of Mexico". Account richly illustrated with a wealth of photos and description.
Excerpts (hat tip to
jwz"Flying from the Source directly to the coastal area of eastern Alabama, the team discovered the shocking fact: the flow of
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I support the consumer boycott of BP. Yes, I'm aware that most BP gas stations are run by working people with no personal connection to the decisions that led to the disaster and only a light contractual arrangement with the parent company. However if it's even slightly less likely that a penny from what I'll pay for a tankful of gas will end up in the pocket of Tony Hayward and is cronies if I go to some different gas station, I'll keep avoiding BP. If you wish to suggest other strategies to achieve that end, please do.
It is also another way of the public making its feelings about BP known.
I say "Good" to that article for two reasons, both because it shows the effects are being noticed, and that the corporation is passing something down to the smaller distributors who are getting hurt more despite being further removed from blame.
I think you overstate your case a bit with "no relation" and the boycot "only hurting" the local owners and ( ... )
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