Title: This is Totally A Bottle Episode
author: infraredphaeton
summary: The Warblers are stuck in the music room. Something's happened to Blaine. And Kurt, just a little advice: don't mess with the band, or Pratik will mess with you.
warnings: language, implied violence, OCs, Eric.
This is totally a bottle episode )
Comments 4
Also, Harry was sitting with Gary, meaning he had been playing a Game rather than listening to Pratik perform a song? Whoa!
There. Yes, Spah verse update, can't get better than that! And Pratik is awesome on so many levels, and Liam gone red: awesome.
But are we going to know what Pratik told Kurt?
And I want Lee back DDD': !!
Also I got irrationally excited about Nick because rebel!Nick even though that makes no sense because Nick is someone totally different. (As I said, irrational.)
And Jim/Gary! And Jim/Liam! And team/blu! And JIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
And basically, as always, much enjoyment was derived.
So hard.
Really hard.
It's right up there with Sebastiben and Kapashima.
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