Buffy Reunion Thingy

Mar 08, 2017 11:59

DB, SMG and MT have all posted pics suggesting something might be happening in terms of a reunion photoshoot/discussion or whatever. People have speculated EW might be doing a reunion issue. That makes sense. EW was always big on (S1-S3) Buffy ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

fenchurche March 8 2017, 17:27:58 UTC
Yep, he was there! He actually posted about it on Twitter yesterday.


rebcake March 8 2017, 20:33:14 UTC
He who? So many hes!

AH could be Alyson or Anthony, and I know which I'd be more excited about!


fenchurche March 8 2017, 20:37:12 UTC
LOL! Sorry... I meant JM (he was the last one mentioned in the ones Infinitewhale was wondering about, so I sort of forgot there were others in the list. :-p )


infinitewhale March 8 2017, 22:46:12 UTC
Yes, I saw Emma has posted about it, too.

So far the ones unknown are Aly, Tony and Nic. I have to assume they'll be there. It wouldn't be much of a reunion without 3/4ths of the Scoobs. That's a big bunch of people, though. Perhaps they'll reenact this:



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