Trying to fall asleep last night, I put on a classical CD, but Mozart and Tchaikovski didn't help... my brain was racing, as it so often does at two thirty AM. I was all tensed up, and for no discernable reason. There didn't seem to be much I could do about it
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Written by Denny O'Neil, at that (though the 'unconventional' types in the first story seem to crop up in all his work -- a theme of his, apparently). And the art in the second was done by M.W. Kaluta. I have
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It's in my hands right now, or would be if I weren't typing.
And it's good. I started it in the store and I'm up to page 101 already, and I want to spoil the whole thing but no, I shall be strong... Whee! I've got Thud!
First of all, I highly recommend di_br's fantastic Harry Potter music vid, set to 'Clocks' by Coldplay (follow this link). Prisoner of Azkaban in five minutes. Sheer genius.