HAPPY MEME snatched from commanderteddog: Reply to this post, and I'll tell you one reason (or more) why I like you. Then re-post this and spread the love.
Hey thar! ^___^ It was fun getting to know you last year. I really enjoyed our multifannish conversations, and you and Steff are a tag-team of awesome. One thing I really like about you is that you're pragmatic, but also laconic, if that makes any sense. You've got a sensible way of interacting with the world. Thanks for being out there. :)
*TACKLEHUG*~~~~ ILU BECAUSE you are sweet, and kind, and creative, and gentle, and fun to RP with, and generally Among The Awesome. And you and I see eye to eye in the matter of hugs being a good thing.<3 I'm glad we became friends. Thanks for being you!~~~
HAI. You know what I like about you? Well, lots of things. But one thing that really stands out is the way you insist on things making sense, and how there ARE rational ways to react and interact, and you go for those ways first and expect others to do the same. Your viewpoint is always refreshing and you approach characterization with the same uncompromising honesty. And that's awesome. Woot!
(And yay for shopping lists and doing stuff in general. >_> XD)
*replies to comment* ^___^~ Where do I even start? One thing I love about you is the joy you take in doing things well. Writing, teaching, fandom, anthropology, everything; you approach your work with a craftsperson's ardor, no matter what else is happening, and it's beautiful to watch. I missed you when you went over to IJ and am glad you're still around here now.
Late comment is late because I kept staring at your entry and thinking "what is there but 'guh, you're awesome'!" Which is true. Thanks for being my fellow Slyth back in the day and for being you these days.~ *hugs*
*fails at answering in a timely manner, orz* One awesome thing about you is your organizational skillz. You srsly ROCK at working out the logistics of complicated operations involving lots of people, which is probably one reason you're a good plotter and an effective mod! You get things done and pull things together so all goes smoothly even among groups of... somewhat chaotic individuals. It's a real gift.~
You're also evil. In a totally good way. And it's awesome to share the internet with you.<3
Comments 14
(I'm answering the latest comments on mine after lunch, so no worries that there's nothing there yet.)
(I'll repost this eventually. >.> When I'm not writing shopping lists. XD)
(And yay for shopping lists and doing stuff in general. >_> XD)
(Yes XD and my closet is getting the hell cleaned out of it. B|!)
Late comment is late because I kept staring at your entry and thinking "what is there but 'guh, you're awesome'!" Which is true. Thanks for being my fellow Slyth back in the day and for being you these days.~ *hugs*
You're also evil. In a totally good way. And it's awesome to share the internet with you.<3
I just like for things to make seeeense DX And it isn't always smooth. Ahahah 8D;;;;;;
*hugs back* \o7
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