you'll know it's just for you (1/4). harry/louis.

Jun 23, 2012 14:46

title: you'll know it's just for you

fandom: one direction

ship: harry/louis

word count: 23,000+ (deeear lord)

summary: He wished he could be as brave as Harry, as bold as Harry - as willing to defy gravity and break all the rules and just let them be together.  But he couldn't do it.  He couldn't have that following him around.  He knew that so many ( Read more... )

ship: harry/louis, fandom: one direction, larry fic, larry stylinson

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Comments 4

annapuckerman July 24 2012, 14:42:46 UTC
this hurts like shit
not fair at all


infinitesparks July 26 2012, 00:55:44 UTC
asdfjaskldfjasdfl my apologies!!!! <3


occupygays October 10 2012, 22:13:23 UTC
oh my <3
you are such a way with characterization through dialogue it makes me grin every time one of them speaks because you just GET their voices so well. im such a fan, SUCH a fan. you're all over my ficrec page.


infinitesparks October 11 2012, 07:03:01 UTC
asdfjaskldf thank you so much!!!! <3 it means a lot :')


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