World's Finest Gift Exchange Fic Prompts

Nov 08, 2008 16:55

Fic Prompts for the worlds_finest gift exchange
Art prompts can be found here
To make a claim, see the rules at the claim post.

# Prompt Desired
Rating Status Notes F01 Takes place during Batman Beyond: Terry accident throws bruce wayne back into past at the end of the battle when lex luthor and darkseid disappear. It was during that time bruce had feeling for clark, but wouldn't tell him because he was so in love with lois and would never see him more than a friend.(romance i love bruce as uke.) NC-17 Claimed   F02 Return/DK verse. "I'm not jealous. I'm possessive. There is a difference." Up to NC-17 Claimed   Posted by
genclay  F03 Superman and Batman are trapped in a blizzard. Superman might lose some (or all) of his abilities temporaly. Happy ending please. Comicverse or movieverse(BB,TDK/SR) Hoping Slash Any Claimed   Posted by
fictionalknight  F04 Angst with a (very)happy end with a prompt word :polar lights (aurora). Don't care who of the two is in angst mode as long as you don't make Bruce my-parents-were-killed-so-now-I'm-forever-angry-with-the-whole-world that growls and hisses in every second sentence. Any Claimed   Posted by
arch_schatten  F05 Clark is in heat, he has also unfortunately just broken up with Lois. Um, okay, no problem, his nose seems to be drawing him to Bruce anyway. Won't Lois be pissed when she finds out who Clark's uncontrollable mating drive drove him towards, and it sure wasn't her. :D PG and up Claimed   F06 Kal is spending too much time with the Legion of Superheroes, Lightning Lad says he's Clark's BFF, a jealous Bruce disagrees, Superman finds this all amusing. Any OPEN   F07 Superman and Batman: “I'll show you mine if you show me yours.” Any Posted Posted by
mithen  F08 Clark is feeling blue, and Bruce does something special for him. Any Claimed   Posted by
mithen  F09 TDK/SR crossover. Superman or Clark meets a travelling Bruce Wayne before Batman Begins. He returns from Krypton, hoping to find Bruce again, right after the events of TDK... Any Claimed Posted by
yanyann  F10 Clark and Bruce attend a Christmas party at the Watchtower. They’re sitting at a table by the window (great view!) and are observing their colleagues’ antics. Are they eating Christmas cookies, gingerbread, or some other goodies? ;) Any Claimed   Posted by
starsandsea  F11 One of them (seriously, or jokingly) proposes to the other who immediately says 'no' for whatever reason. The ending can be happy or unhappy. Any Claimed   Posted by
sasha_anu  F12 Takes place during batman beyond: terry wants his father (bruce) to have a relationship, but bruce tells him he is too old and soon he'll die so there is no point. (romance,angst,bruce uke...) NC-17 Claimed   F13 When Bruce and Dick visit the farm with Clark, Martha and Jonathan reflect on Clark and Bruce’s relationship (inclusion of a few thoughts on Dick’s importance in the family would be welcome!). Any Claimed   F14 Clark and Bruce witness a holiday miracle. Relation of the miracle to any religion with a winter holiday tradition or mythology is fine. Universe is writer's choice. Up to R Claimed   F15 It's the Daily Planet's office grape vine event of the year. The office Christmas party. The biggest piece of gossip is that shy Clark Kent is bringing someone! But he won't tell anyone who it is. Clark turns up with the Gotham Prince AKA The Boss. Any continuity. Please include dancing on the tables and inappropriate use of a photocopier. Any Claimed   Posted by
bradygirl_12  F16 Someone in the superhero community decides to pull a prank on Superman and Batman. What happens is up to you. Any OPEN   F17 The Bat-family has kept to themselves, seldom partnering with any superhero except Superman. The Bat family do help the Justice League on occasion but only through Superman. But one fine day they need their help and contact them as Superman is the one in mortal danger. They work well together and Superman manages to convince Bruce to at least let the bat family be temporary members of the group, to call upon when help is needed.
Dick Grayson never helped found the Titans, nor did Tim meet up with any YJ members (till now that is). Jason Todd never dies and is known as the Black Hood. Nor does Kon.
Now the romance must be between Clark and Bruce. Whether it’s already established or first time is entirely your choice, as are other pairings (but not within the robins please). Any Claimed   Posted by
yanyann  F18 Bruce discovers Kryptonians have several unusual and unexpected rituals about Midwinter... Any Posted Posted by
starsandsea  F19 After a hard year, Clark and Bruce get snowed in at Bruce's cabin in the mountains just before Christmas, and take the opportunity to spend a week together away from their hectic lives. Comics-verse. R and up Claimed   F20 Returns/TDK "What a trouble-slut you are." Up to NC-17 OPEN   F21 It's the future and Damien Wayne is Batman and Chris Kent is Superman, they are friends and they meet every week to talk, this week they both have something important to discuss. Any OPEN   F22 After a JLA mission, Superman and Batman are put in quarantine together. Things can get boring after a while! shenanigans up to the author. Any Claimed   Posted by
sasha_anu  F23 Bruce has been getting gifts from a secret admirer and doesn't know who it is takes place during the Superman Animated episode "world's finest." (romance bruce uke.. ) R OPEN   F24 I'd like to see a Super-Sons story set in the present. (Check scans_daily for examples. I think they have a Super-Sons tag or Batman Jr. and Superman Jr. tags.) In other words, ditch the faux-70's speak, but keep the themes of stumbling on the way to becoming heroes and conflict with the older generation. I'd prefer a gen fic, but a little subtext is fine as long as it's, you know, subtle. Comicsverse and/or Toonverse. Additional prompt: music. Up to R Claimed   F25 movieverse au. I'd love to see a genderbender that isn't written by me. Girl!Clark (always been), first time meeting going from there. Up to NC-17 Claimed   Posted by
mithen  F26 A combination of Smallville, Batman returns 'verse. Clark tracks down Lex Luthor after the near crash of their friendship, misunderstandings, and small betrayals to find that he has landed in Gotham. Bruce Wayne, and Lex Luthor are in a relationship. i.e. in love. What will Clark do? Is he really concerned about Lex or is he jealous? And whom exactly is he jealous of? Bruce is hot, isn't he? Batman? Bruce is Batman? Lex is certainly smug that he bagged Batman. PG and up OPEN   F27 just an expression out of which you can make anything you want (and on every imagery level you want) - "black and blue" Any Posted   Posted by
saavikam77  F28 Return/TDK "Again. Why the collection?" Up to NC-17 OPEN   F29 Jimmy Olsen, stalking the boys and trying to get a picture of them kissing or hugging. More likely as Bruce and Clark, because Batman is pants crappingly terrifying! Show the Olsen some love! Up to NC-17 Posted Posted by
bradygirl_12  F30 Using this sentence (as a general idea, or literally in the story) - "I love you, but I can't be with you". I'm looking for something that'll break my heart a little and make me cry. Seriously. You can fix it and make it end well if you like, but you don't have to. Any Claimed   F31 Clark and Bruce together in Wayne manor in snow. Option:
Bat-family, Christmal carol.
Comicverse or toonverse. Any Claimed  Posted by
harmless_one  F32 Superman and Batman require the assistance of the pets of the superhero community (Krypto, Streaky, Charlie, Ace, etc. You decide the makeup of the League of Super Pets). Any Claimed   Posted by
skund  F33 After years of watching her son deluding himself into thinking that he's not totally besotted with Bruce Wayne, Martha Kent has a conspiratal conversation with that lovely Mister Pennyworth. She decides a bit of maternal guidance is called for. (It's maternal guidance not interfering, honestly!) Her Book Group(or that type of thing) are having a trip to a Gotham convention sponsored by Wayne Enterprises. She heads off to the Dark City to knock a couple of stubborn heads together. Any continuity. Please include a Martha and Alfred seen. Any Claimed   Posted by
starsandsea  F34 a quote: "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." (Kurt Vonnegut) Any Claimed   Posted by
mithen  F35 Bruce and Clark go on a picnic. Any Claimed   F36 When Dick falls ill, Bruce hovers over his bedside while Clark joins him, and reminisce about their early days as the World’s Finest (including Robin). This can be set in the Golden Age or any era (including the present). Any OPEN   F37 AU fic where Clark didn't get his powers after the whole 52/OYL thing (and somehow divorces Lois amicably). Clark's work of exposing crime lords gets him in trouble with Intergang and when Bruce comes back from his trip he's already missing. PG and up Claimed   Posted by
aravistarkheena  F38 Batman gets caught in a trap designed to strip a metahumans of their powers. Unfortunately he doesn't have any powers to strip away, as the device, or magic is supposed to affect DNA directly. Huh, so problem is this trap turned things on it shouldn't have, and now Bruce has powers he has no idea how to control. Who will help him with this mess? Superman, of course, is the only one strong enough, and patient enough to deal with a meta powered Batman. :D PG and up Claimed   F39 The JLA are stranded on a planet. About to be attacked by 600 super strong mutants. The mutants are innocents corrupted and mutated with kryptonite though at times they cry for help. There is no way to save the innocents. The JLA are about to be over powered. Superman out of desperation and the fact he can't let a 'certain' person die, slices through the mass with an impossibly intense burst of heat vision. Afterwards guilt sets in and depression at the idea he could kill (even though it was unavoidable) He gives up 'Cark Kent' to be 'Superman' 24/7. It is down to Bruce to get passed his own emotional issues to see if he can help his best friend before 'Clark' fails to exists and 'superman' self implodes. Any continuity. Any OPEN   F40 Bruce is mindwashed by Ra's (or some other villain) and it's up to Clark to bring him back home -physically or mentally or both. Any Claimed   Posted by
fictionalknight  F41 Clark and Bruce have a happy Christmas together in the Kent farm. Comicverse, toonverse or movieverse(BB,TDK/SR) Any Claimed   Posted by
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