Top 5 Jack/Juliet Scenes

Feb 08, 2010 19:31

5. "That makes you one of us"


"Juliet: You keep talking about them. Why don't I ever have to explain myself to you?
Jack: You were there. You were standing right next to me when that submarine exploded. And in that moment I saw it in your eyes. You want to get off this island more than anything else in the world. That makes you one of us."

I think this scene is gorgeous. Jack completely trusts and understands Juliet, and she seems so flattered and surprised by it. And how cute is it that he's setting up her tent? <3

4. The Repo Man Scene


"Juliet: You can trust me, Jack. I'm not going to hurt you."

One of their classic scenes, and it's from the first episode in which they ever interacted. It's the first moment when Jack trusts Juliet a bit too -- when he tells her about his dad. I love Juliet's calm interrogation method, Liz does such a great job with it. The moment up against the glass is so beautifully intense, and I'm pretty sure it was that moment where I knew they'd be awesome together. And the follow-up scene where Juliet says she's a repo woman is just too cute. AND AND AND this scene provides the classic line "I just put the toothpicks in."

3. The Eyesex Scene


"Juliet: Are you just saying that to make me feel better?
Jack: I don't... I don't care about making you feel better."

Yes, this scene is officially called the eyesex scene. And rather than try to explain why I worship this scene, I'm going to link you to the best explanation I've ever read by lenina20  here. Read the entire thing, it's amazing. But especially focus on the part about this scene <3

2. Second Kiss


"Juliet: Don't you understand? These people came here to wage war against Ben. And Ben's going to win, Jack. And when he does, you don't want to be anywhere near me.
Jack: Why not?
Juliet: Because he thinks that I'm his. And he knows how I feel about you.
Jack: He knows where to find me.

EPIC EPIC EPIC. This one might have gotten first were it not for Juliet tearing it apart in 4x10. Seriously though, the emotion in this scene is amazing, especially during the hug. I actually think that's my favourite part. And Jack is such a man! He's initiating kisses and protecting Juliet! (Why couldn't he have done something along these lines in 4x10?) Ahhhh what a beautiful moment. And I love Jack shunning Kate at the beginning too.

1. The Aloe Scene


"Juliet: Why did you help me? 
Jack: He told you he was going to let you go home. He told me the same thing. We're going to make sure he keeps his word.
Juliet: And how are we going to do that?
Jack: Together."

I can't watch this scene (or the TOW kiss for that matter) without getting teary. It's an amazing, gorgeous moment. As Liz said in an interview, Jack cares for her, and Juliet is not used to being taken care of. The toothpicks line at the beginning is adorable, and the looks of sadness on Jack's face when he sees her mark are so lovely. TOGETHER. Can we just focus on that word for a bit? Or on the subtle touching of their fingers? Or on their not-so-subtle chemistry?

I hope you enjoyed the picspam! Thanks to lost-media for the caps, and to Jafje for most of the Youtube videos. Please feel free to tell me your top 5 (or any number) Jacket scenes, even if you don't ship them! I love talking to people about J/J.

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picspam, actress: elizabeth mitchell, actor: matthew fox, show: lost

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