Sometime a few months ago I was thinking about having a board game night, maybe in January because the holidays were so busy. Then a few weeks ago I talked to the office here about maybe transferring to a different apartment (on the ground floor, or with an elevator). Well, the latter's happening, but that doesn't mean the former can't too. So, I'll probably hold a moving + gaming (+ more?) party on one or more of the following days:
- Sat. 17th: may have to stop by evening
- Sun. 18th: and for afterward(?)--Tickets are still available to see Jonathan Coulton at Great American Music Hall: linky
- Mon. 19th: yay holidays!
- Sat. 24th: may have to stop by evening (for this party)
- Sun. 25th: if necessary
I'm definitely going to try to do lots of moving on/around the first weekend, and have listed the second weekend because I don't expect to be entirely done by then, but as the second weekend also mostly conflicts with
nasu-dengaku's stuff, the preference is definitely for the first weekend, all else being equal.
I'd order pizza (if you like pizza, that is), keep my board games unpacked and usable, and am pretty open to other suggestions (e.g. moving the alcohol requires testing everything again "to make sure it's still good"). It'd be awesome if this event involved moving my stuff, but I'm not going to be doing that *every* day, and a day without moving stuff but with a party is better than a day without either.
See you Sunday!