Every year (on the weekend of my birthday), the Whitman-Walker Clinic does an AIDS Walk here in D.C. Usually, when asked what I want for my birthday, I tell people to donate to the walk on my behalf, but this year I am saving up for Wincon and I can't afford to do that, unfortunately. Because I can't stand the idea of doing nothing, I decided to try giving this a shot, even if the chances anyone will be interested are fairly slim.
I am offering up fic and fic betaing for charity! I can write a new story or a sequel/time stamp for any other story I've written. I will write in Supernatural, Supernatural RPF, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and honestly, I will try my hand at anything that you know I am at least familiar with, but I can't promise it won't suck if it's in a fandom I'm not that heavily involved in. Although there are some pairings I will not write, I do my best to write what you ask for (I reserve the right to say "Sorry, I can't write that" and, in all honesty, you want me to do this because when I try to write something I don't feel, it's never good). And let's be honest, you'll probably get a better story if you ask for something like J2 or Sam/Dean just because it's what I'm comfortable writing.
For beta (again, if there is something in the story that might squick me, I might have to say no, but will really do my best to be open minded) -
5 stories up to 5,000 words each = $5
4 Stories between 5,001-14,999 = $10
3 Stories between 15-25K = $15
2 25K or Longer Stories Up to 200K = $20
I will indefinitely beta for you for $25 or more.
For Fic -
I feel weird putting a price on fic. $5 minimum? I will write as much as I feel I need to tell the story your prompt inspires. However, I bet I will be more inspired the more you donate :P
My goal is to have these stories done by World AIDS Day on December 1, 2010, but I might take until the end of the year, depending on how crazy RL gets. The Walk is on October 2, so I'll take requests until then :)
Interested? Anyone? Bueller? Well, anyway. If anyone is, here is what you do:
1. Go to
My Page and follow the instructions for donating.
2. Come back and comment on this post with:
Name That You Donated Under: How Much You Gave/What You Want:Email Address: If you want beta, let me know if you already know what you want me to look at/if you know when you want to send it to me/when it will need to be done (this is optional): If you're asking for fic:
Fandom(s): Pairing(s):Prompt(s): Prompts are not mandatory, but they really help me write something for YOU as opposed to something self-indulgent that I'll give you because I didn't have a prompt and it's what *I* would like to read.
Likes/Kinks: Squicks: You can be as unspecific or as specific as you want and if you donate and don't know what you want yet, you can change what you ask for any time before November 1. And don't worry, comments to this post are screened :)
So yeah. You guys should donate because it's a great charity--and I mentioned it'll be my birthday, right? *guilts* And if you don't want any of my crappy fic, you're obviously free to donate without asking for anything, this is just the best I can do as far as incentives go (except prostitution, which I can't promise I'm above ;) ).
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