Title: Perfectly Respectable Married Sex Fandom: Tamora Pierce- Song of the Lioness Quartet Pairing: Alanna/George Rating: M-15 Dedication: another present for bedlamsbard , who is quite the Enabler.
:D funnily enough i've been on a tortall kick lately. i randomly decided to read bits of the alanna series while eating my breakfast and i'm all over george again.
i think george is like my first love when i was what. ten or eleven. my friend gave me the first book for my birthday
Clearly you had GOOD taste when you were ten or eleven... *I* was in love with Jon, and threw Lioness Rampant across the room when I discovered he was in love with Thayet. Weird. George is far superior to Mr Crankypants Prince Jonathan.
I discovered tortall!fic just the other day- wanting somewhere to cross-list my first Alanna/George, which was written just because I was in the mood to write porn and couldn't think of another pairing whom I could write without needing the canon text to hand. I recommend emmegan, though :) She has a FABULOUS Raoul.
Comments 13
i think george is like my first love when i was what. ten or eleven. my friend gave me the first book for my birthday
i haven't read much tortall!fic but yey!
I discovered tortall!fic just the other day- wanting somewhere to cross-list my first Alanna/George, which was written just because I was in the mood to write porn and couldn't think of another pairing whom I could write without needing the canon text to hand. I recommend emmegan, though :) She has a FABULOUS Raoul.
George is just george. he is all sorts of awesome and he's just so sweet. I tend to feel like punching Jon most of the time.
And I have to admit i like Myles a lot more than i would normally admit
I'm Roshni:D Hello! I'm adding you to my friends list!
I <3 Myles to pieces... Lovely scholarly man.
Hi, Roshni :) I'm Inept, but you knew that by now.
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Now go right more!!
More will be forthcoming one day. This pairing is my mental-screensaver, the place I go to when I can't deal with anything else ;).
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