Fic: Visiting Hugo (Hermione, Hugo)

Nov 14, 2014 13:39

Title: Visiting Hugo
Characters/Pairings: Hermione, Hugo
Rating: Any Age
Summary: Hermione visits Hugo
Word Count: 650
Bathilda Bagshot’s Bingo prompt: Breeze

There’s a warm breeze blowing in from the Mediterranean, the scent of some unknown flower tickling her senses. Hermione likes the sweet smell, but it’s difficult to dislike anything with such a beautiful view. There are still plates on the table, the pasta nearly gone from each of them, and the two wine glasses are mostly empty. She looks at her son and smiles. Hugo’s forty-three, and such a handsome boy. He has the Weasley look to his chin and jaw, but the dark auburn hair and brown eyes are from her. She doesn’t get the opportunity to see him as often as she sees Rose, so she’s enjoying their visit immensely.

“With a view like this, I now understand why you avoid England,” she says, reaching for her wine glass when he refills it.

“I don’t avoid England, Mum. Work just keeps me busy,” he points out, sounding a lot like she had at his age. Unlike her, though, he doesn’t have a loving spouse or children to distract him from working too much, which makes her worry. “Stop frowning. You know my general motto is that all work and no play isn’t very enjoyable at all.”

“It’s a mother’s job to worry. I can’t pop in to nag you like I can your sister, either, which is very unfair.” She purses her lips. “Knowing you, that’s one reason you chose to work internationally.”

Hugo laughs. “You know I don’t mind your nagging. I chose my job because it’s challenging, and I have an affinity for learning new languages. Besides, if I wanted to get away from my sprawling family, I’d have gone further than the continent. With Aunt Gabrielle and Molly both living around Paris, and Roxie doing research in Rome, I’m not far from family even here in France.”

“Stop being logical. I can’t guilt you effectively when you’re clever,” she scolds, sipping her wine.

“Yes, Mum. I’ll stop being clever. Understood.” He rolls his eyes and looks out towards the sea. “I’m glad you could visit this week. You work too hard, especially since Dad died. Rose told me you’re still advising Uncle Percy, too.” He focuses back on her. “You’re not getting any younger, you know? You should travel, go see the sights, explore the world the way you used to talk about when I was younger.”

“I’m not dying, Hugo. I’m perfectly capable of working without risking my health, and you talk about me nagging. Ha!” She snorts. “You and your sister need to stop worrying about me. I miss your dad a lot, but my life isn’t on hold after losing him. And if you think about mentioning joining some dating service, I’m going to hex you and your meddling sister for involving you in her silly scheme.”

Hugo snickers. “No worry there, Mum. I told her she’s nutters for considering it. If you want to move on from Dad, it’ll happen when you’re ready and find the right person.”

“Exactly.” She looks at the sea and smiles. “So, anyone significant in your life yet? Girlfriends, boyfriends, both?”

“No one significant.” Hugo takes a drink of his wine. “Why would I do such a disservice to the world by committing to only one or two people?” His smile reminds her of Ron, and he looks like a cheeky bugger as he shrugs a shoulder. “Besides, you know that’s never been my thing, Mum. Rose can provide the grandchildren, and I’ll provide the wine.”

“I think you’re getting the better end of the deal,” she admits, shaking her head at him.

Hugo laughs and picks up the bottle, topping off her glass. “Of course I do, Mum. As if I’d have any other strategy?”

Hermione smiles and closes her eyes, feeling the breeze against her face as she listens to her son laugh. He’s right about one thing. Maybe travel wouldn’t be so bad.


character: hugo weasley, all my fanfiction, character: hermione granger, rating: any age, challenge: bathilda bagshot bingo, 2014 fanfic, fandom: harry potter

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