Title: Lucky Characters/Pairings: Hermione/Cedric Rating: Any Age Summary: A moment in Hermione and Cedric's life Word Count: 1170 jupisan prompt: 250. I hope you like it!
YAY! I'm so glad you liked it. I might have used one of my dogs for inspiration, though, alas, I have no Cedric for early morning dancing. SIGH. ♥ Thanks for the prompt!
Haha, you wrote it! And it was so close to real life it's scary ;) Adorable, sweet, gorgeous. Love that you touch on nightmares, and let us fill in the rest. He could have nightmares generally, or it could be related to changes in the timeline we know. I adore the way you write like that :)
Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Now you understand what I meant about needing that one little bit to make it work for my muse. I appreciate you inspiring that! ♥
Yes, I can see how you just needed that touch of something at the end to round it off. It worked well :) I feel all tingly inside knowing I helped with that!
Comments 7
There's definitely not enough of it out there!
Adorable, sweet, gorgeous.
Love that you touch on nightmares, and let us fill in the rest. He could have nightmares generally, or it could be related to changes in the timeline we know. I adore the way you write like that :)
I feel all tingly inside knowing I helped with that!
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