Title: Up in Smoke Characters/Pairings: Fred/Hermione Rating: Any Age Summary: Hermione’s plan goes up in smoke Word Count: 1285 Beta: None so please excuse an errors. lesemma’s prompt: a cautionary tale. Hope you enjoy this, hon!
Awww, this is the most adorable fluffy thing! They're both so bloody cute I want to put them in my pocket and take them home with me. :)
(And I burst out laughing at Fred's outburst of "Are you deliberately obstinate or is this your way of letting me down easy?" Cause I can't blame him for thinking it sounded that way. *pets Hermione*)
So fluffy! I had doubts about it and even emailed Emma going "OMG it sucks :(:(" but she slapped me out of it and told me to post it so she could read it. I'm glad it reads well and my doubts were for naught!
Comments 15
(And I burst out laughing at Fred's outburst of "Are you deliberately obstinate or is this your way of letting me down easy?" Cause I can't blame him for thinking it sounded that way. *pets Hermione*)
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