Title: A Summer Romance Pairing: Cormac/Hermione Rating: Teen Summary: Tomorrow, it ends Word Count: 1135 Beta: florahart A/N: For thimble_kiss. I hope you enjoy it, hon!
OH this is so lovely! A really attractive grown-up Cormac and gorgeous dynamic between them. And just such a totally cute story. :)
I love that Cormac can't stand seeing her looking so vulnerable and shows her the ticket and then suddenly he is the one vulnerable, and their stubborn 'so there's even if Cormac only thought his. ♥
(I had a sneaky hope that you'd pick the prompt! *discreet fist pump*)
Once again, you have me picking up a new OTP. *winks* This is definitely a pairing that I wouldn't necessarily read, but I knew that I'd love your take on them.
Comments 24
GAH it's been sooo long since you posted as Hr fic, thank you so so o much!
I love that Cormac can't stand seeing her looking so vulnerable and shows her the ticket and then suddenly he is the one vulnerable, and their stubborn 'so there's even if Cormac only thought his. ♥
(I had a sneaky hope that you'd pick the prompt! *discreet fist pump*)
Wonderful, wonderful work, as always.
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