Fic: Knock Out (Kirk/McCoy)

Jul 09, 2009 00:20

Title: Knock Out
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Summary: It’s not exactly how Jim wanted the evening to turn out
Rating: Teen/PG13
Word Count: 3760
A/N: #13 in the Two Men & a Starship series. Follows Warm Up. Thank you to everyone reading/commenting! ♥

The training has been going for almost an hour when Sulu makes an extremely wrong move and ends up having Chekov’s hand slam into his nose. Jim cringes at the sound and hopes that it isn’t broken as he pushes himself to his feet. “Tilt your head back,” he instructs when he sees blood dripping from Sulu’s nose.

“I am wery sorry. I did not mean to hit so hard,” Chekov says, sounding worried and scared as he crowds around Sulu.

“Let me.” Bones has joined them, and Jim steps aside to let him evaluate Sulu’s nose. Jim watches him work, which is a good distraction from the fact that Bones has lost his shirt at some point during his work out. That isn’t a good thing when he’s got a bite mark on his neck, something that Jim notices is clearly visible with no fabric concealing it. Not that it's a good thing anyway. Too much bare skin is distracting, damn it.

“Id otay,” Sulu tells them. When Bones finishes, he holds a towel against his nose while it’s bleeding. “I’m fine.”

“It’s broken,” Bones says as he wipes his bloody fingers on the edge of the towel. “You need to get ice and use that for the next day or two to help with the swelling and pain. Don’t apply the ice directly to your skin. I’d suggest going to medical to get a hypospray to help reduce the pain.”

“Doesn’t hurd much,” Sulu protests even as he flinches slightly.

“Save it, Lieutenant. I know better.” Bones gives him that ‘I’m a doctor’ look that Jim recognizes all too well. “You’ll want to elevate your head, too, especially when you’re sleeping.”

“I will take him to medical,” Chekov says. “I wanted to show that I am not child, but I did not want to break nose.”

“It’s combat training. Accidents happen.” Jim claps Sulu on the shoulder. “Obey the doctor’s orders. Now go get something for the pain then lie down.”

“Otay.” It’s obvious that Sulu is agreeing under protest, but Jim doesn’t care. A broken nose isn’t a misplaced punch to the arm, so he’s going to have to listen to Bones and take it easy.

“Chekov, you’re in charge of making sure he obeys,” Jim instructs, knowing that will give Chekov something to do with his obvious guilt over the accident. Plus, it’ll make sure that Sulu actually does what he’s supposed to do.

“Yes, Keptin,” Chekov says, nodding his head in agreement. He practically drags Sulu out of the room, continuing to apologize when he isn’t scolding Sulu for denying that it hurts.

“Well, when I said that I wanted Sulu to get his ass kicked, I didn’t really mean to that extent,” Jim muses as he focuses his attention on Bones. Bare-chested Bones with his gym shorts riding low on his hips. He must not own any pants that fit properly because it seems all of them end up resting on his lower hips. Those hipbones. Jim curls his fingers into his palm and licks his lips.

“He should have been more careful and less cocky,” Bones says simply. “It’s his own fault. Next time, he won’t judge a book by its cover, which is a good life lesson for him to learn. Just because Chekov is a scrawny teenager doesn’t mean he’s unable to fight back.”

“Yeah.” His voice is hoarse, and he clears his throat as he focuses on platonic thoughts instead of all the bare skin that’s right there just begging to be touched. “He’ll think twice next time.”

Bones’ breathing is changing, and he takes a step back as he rakes his fingers through his hair, which is damp with sweat. Jim drags his bottom lip into his mouth and gnaws on it as his gaze follows a drip of sweat from Bones’ collarbone until it drips off his nipple. Heat laps at his body as he groans softly, feeling his cock begin to stir as he looks at Bones.

“Damn it, Jim. You’d better be glad that no one can see your face,” Bones mutters huskily. “Stop fucking me with your eyes.”

“Put some clothes on,” he murmurs, refusing to accept the total blame when Bones is the one prancing around in those shorts and nothing else. Sure, he just had a fantastic blow job a few hours ago, but he is a healthy male.

“I think you need a cold shower,” Bones informs him, almost smirking as he scratches his belly. Jim glances down to watch those long fingers brushed against the hair that disappears into the waistband of his shorts. “What would they all say if they knew the dirty thoughts running through your mind right now?”

“I hate you,” he snarls when he sees the knowing look in Bones’ eyes. He reaches down for his towel and leaves the exercise room. If he stays, he’s going to do something stupid. Bones isn’t playing fair, not when he’s standing there deliberately teasing and torturing Jim. It isn’t like the crew knows what Jim’s thinking. And, okay, so it isn’t very smart to get distracted by lusty thoughts when in public, but even people not in a relationship with Bones were staring and thinking about having sex with him. So it’s more like Jim’s taking place in a crew bonding experience, and he suddenly realizes that he might be a little more jealous about the crew seeing Bones than he first thought because he doesn’t like the idea of them using Bones as fantasy fodder.

He’s still waiting for the turbolift when he hears someone come up behind him. It has to be Bones, even though he doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction of turning to look. Something tugs on the bottom of his shirt, and he scowls, staring at the closed doors of the turbolift. An aggravated sigh confirms that it’s Bones. “You’re sulking, Captain.”

“I am not sulking,” he denies. He glances at Bones and sees that he’s got his shirt thrown over his shoulder with his towel. Still bare-chested, walking around the ship in nothing but those damn shorts. “You look indecent.”

Bones snorts. “Just because you’re looking doesn’t mean anyone else is,” he says dryly. “Now, are you planning to tell me what this tantrum is about or do I have to start guessing?”

“Stop being so obtuse. I might believe it sometimes, but there’s no way that you were oblivious to all the attention that you were getting in there.” The doors to the turbolift finally open, and he steps inside. Bones follows and pushes the button for Jim’s deck, which just makes him scowl even more.

“This isn’t about other people. I know when you’re jealous, and you aren’t right now,” Bones tells him quietly. “No more than usual, at least.”

“It isn’t,” he agrees reluctantly. “I don’t like the idea of them thinking about you when they’re fantasizing but it doesn’t matter because I get the real thing.”

“Then what is it?” Bones touches him lightly, from shoulderblades to the ticklish spot in the small of his back.

“I don’t know.” Jim shrugs a shoulder. “It was just easier to leave than try to balance it, I guess. You started teasing deliberately, and I was barely keeping control when you were half-naked and sweaty.”

“You tease me all the time, deliberate and not. I don’t storm off in a snit and sulk,” Bones points out.

“Guess you’re better at it all than I am, then.” He glances at Bones and then looks back at the door. “It’s still new to me, and it hits me at times how little I know when it comes to this. I’m a fucking failure. I can’t even work out with you without eating you alive with my eyes.”

“Wait. That’s why you’re upset? Because you’re not an expert on balancing this thing between us?” Bones sounds confused. The turbolift stops, and they step out of it. They don’t talk until they enter Jim’s quarters. Athos greets them, yipping and chasing his tail before he runs up and licks Jim’s leg.

“Hey, little buddy,” he says, bending down to pet him. “Did you piss on the floor again?”

“Jim, we need to talk about this.” Bones walks past him and drops his towel on the floor. “That damn dog must have a huge bladder,” he mutters as he uses his foot to wipe the towel over the puddle.

“We don’t need to talk about it. I can’t even explain it,” Jim says, picking up Athos and getting puppy kisses on his face. “I overreacted. I blame the fact that it’s impossible to think when you’re not wearing a shirt. By the way, you do realize that everyone there tonight could see my mark on you, don’t you?”

Bones’ eyes widen and he quickly moves his hand to his neck. “Damn it.”

“They were probably distracted by your pecs and biceps and didn’t even notice,” Jim says honestly. “I wouldn’t have.”

“I never thought about it,” Bones admits. “I’m just used to not caring what anyone thinks about me personally.” He picks up the towel and tosses it into the laundry bin before he goes to wash his hands in the small kitchenette area. “Well, it’s not like it has your name on it, so no one can say for sure how I got it or from whom. Besides, it’s not like there isn’t a continuous stream of gossip on this ship anyway, most of it too ridiculous to be believed.”

Jim sits on the sofa and lets Athos settle on his lap. “I’d rather there be a dozen different rumors than have to restrict how we are together. This relationship is ours, and we’re keeping it private because of our choice, so it’s pointless to let rumors dictate our actions. We aren’t breaking any rules, after all.”

“Are you really alright?” Bones asks as he sits next to Jim on the sofa. “And, hell, it’s like back at the Academy, isn’t it? Gossip has always followed us around, even when it was unwarranted.”

“Yeah, it has. I’ve told you some of the rumors I’ve heard.” Jim laughs and shakes his head. “We’ve always been too touchy-feely, which actually helps now cause no one is likely to pay much attention to it.” He looks at Bones and nods. “I’m alright. No sulking for no reason at all anymore. I think I was mostly frustrated, you know?”

“It’s been a rough couple of months,” Bones says quietly. He moves his arm behind Jim’s shoulders and tugs him closer. He doesn’t even take a moment to think about it before he leans against Bones and sighs. He’s mixed up again, trying to figure out why he got so pissy. Bones strokes his upper arm. “You’re a really good captain, Jim. In two months, you’ve earned respect from those who might not have given it before we left. It hasn’t been easy, especially not when we were barely talking and having troubles, too.”

“We’re better now, though.” Jim scratches Athos behind his ears. “Aren’t we? It feels like it is, like we’re more like ourselves.”

Bones kisses his cheek. “We’re better. The thing is, you’re been building up all this stress, professionally and personally. So, yeah, I can get why you might be frustrated and overreact to a little teasing. Maybe I shouldn’t have pushed when I knew you were barely keeping control, but it felt kinda nice to have that power since it’s usually you tempting me.”

“When I asked you out for a date tonight, I didn’t expect for it to include a broken nose and a sulk,” Jim confides. “I was hoping for a good dinner, a bit of fun training, and then some kissing.”

“What? You think a few mishaps are going to scare me?” Bones nuzzles his neck. “We had an excellent dinner, and it was good to exercise for a while. As for the kissing, there’s still a little time before I should get back to my room. Might borrow your shower first, though. I’m sweaty and smell pretty rank right now.”

“It’d take more than that to scare you. You’re involved with me, after all,” Jim says, smiling as he turns his head to look at Bones. “I think you smell good. What? You think sweat is going to scare me?”

Bones grips his chin and kisses him slowly, deepening the kiss but refusing to let it become anything more than teasing when Jim tries to get control. “I know that sweat doesn’t bother you. I just thought a quick shower would be wise.”

“I think it’s a waste of time,” he tells him. “Like you said, there isn’t long before you’ll have to leave. I want to take advantage of it while we can.” He touches Bones’ lips and smiles. “Unless I can convince you to stay over.”

“Jim, you know that we can’t do that. It’s probably suspicious enough that I hang out and play cards until the early morning hours since you were injured,” Bones points out. “We can’t use that excuse every night, and we definitely can’t risk having me seen sneaking out of your room after an overnight stay. Whether we care about gossip or not, that just isn’t an option.”

“Right. I know that.” And he does know that. It doesn’t mean that he’s just going to assume that Bones will never spend the night. He sleeps better when Bones shares his bed, and it’s really difficult to go from having him there every night to nothing for nearly two months to him suddenly being back but only briefly. If crew members are so bored that they have to discuss who is or isn’t spending the night with the captain, maybe he can make sure they’re too busy to think about it.

Bones kisses his fingers and his palm. “I would if I could, darlin’, but it just isn’t possible.”

He smiles slightly at the endearment, wondering if Bones even realizes he’s using it. Athos chooses that moment to jump up and lick at his hand, which is against Bones’ face. It ruins the moment, especially considering Bones’ odd concerns about dog saliva. “I think he’s jealous,” he murmurs, moving Athos away from Bones, who is wiping off his chin and cheek.

“Sweat and now dog spit. Lovely,” Bones says dryly. “I wonder if Archer has any idea how corrupted that dog will be by the time he gets it back. It’s already taking after you and being too friendly.”

“Don’t listen to the grumpy man, Athos. He’s friendly, too. He just hides it in a different kind of barking,” Jim tells the dog before he sets him on the floor. He wants to go back to the kissing, but Bones is wiping his face and doesn’t look particularly aroused anymore. Not that his arousal actually causes a reaction currently. Still, that communication and intimacy are important. He’s not going to give Athos a treat later after this interruption. Possibly. Damn. He probably will, but he’ll grumble about it.

“Can I borrow your shower for ten minutes?” Bones asks. “Oh, and something to wear, too?”

“Sweats are in the closet. T-shirts are in the dresser. Some of yours are mixed in. I, uh, kept a few before you went to Capella IV,” Jim tells him as he stands up. “I’ll get us something to drink while you’re cleaning up.”

“I thought you were wearing one of mine the other day.” Bones is watching him, he can feel it, but he doesn’t look over to confirm it. Bones sighs, and Jim can hear him standing up. “I don’t have to go for a couple of hours, you know? We’ve still got time to finish up our date.”

“I know.” Jim turns his head and looks him over. “You can’t wear those to work out again. They’re skimpy and show off your legs, which are amazing, by the way, and it’s really unfair considering mine don’t look nearly that good and I like to run.”

“What is it with you and trying to dictate my wardrobe?” Bones asks, arching a brow as he scratches his belly. “First, my uniforms. Now, my exercise clothes.”

“I’m easily distracted when it comes to ogling your hot body,” he says matter-of-factly. “So you either need to be considerate and help not distract me or figure out some other way to help me.”

Bones rubs the back of his neck and ducks his head, looking slightly awkward before he gives Jim a look that certainly wouldn’t be appropriate in public. “If I have to control myself from jumping you at any given time, then you’re gonna have to do the same.”

“You should, uh.” Jim stops and clears his throat, licking his lips as he counts to five, then ten. “Shower now. Before I show you just how little control I seem to have around you.”

“Yeah.” A frustrated look crosses Bones’ face before he turns away. Jim can see the tension in his body; without his shirt, it’s more noticeable. “Ten minutes.”

When Bones goes into the bedroom to get a change of clothes, Jim pours himself a shot. He swallows it quickly, feeling the burn in his throat. The bathroom door closes, and he runs his hands over his face and into his hair. If things were normal, he’d just sneak into the shower and join Bones. There’d be sex, and he might even convince him to stay a little longer. But that’s not something he can do tonight. It’d just make it worse when Bones couldn’t get aroused.

He has another shot before pouring them each a glass of bourbon and going back to the sofa. After he takes his shoes off, he gets comfortable and pets Athos’ head with his foot. While he waits, he gets his PADD and reviews some of his recent correspondence. By the time Bones is finished, Jim’s halfway through another report from the Botany department. He looks up and smiles. “Tomorrow’s the last day we have to orbit Scorching Monotony. They’re finally finished collecting data.”

“That’s good news.” Bones sits down and gets one of the glasses from the table. “Do you know what we’re doing next? More flying around exploring?”

“Supply run to an outer colony,” he says. “We’re going to take a few days there, though, so the crew can go down for a brief break, if they want. I thought that might be good for morale.”

“Is it a real colony?” Bones asks, arching his brow. “Or just one of the small settlements?”

“Well, it’s not San Francisco, but it’ll be fine for a day off the ship,” Jim says, rolling his eyes as he turns off his PADD. “I haven’t been there, so I don’t know what it’s like exactly. The information I’ve found would indicate that the terrain is acceptable for taking Jess down, though. I was thinking maybe we could go for a ride somewhere, get away from people for a little private time.”

“I don’t know if it’s acceptable to take a Terran motorbike to a colony,” Bones says carefully, though Jim can totally hear his ‘you dumbass’ tone. “The conditions down there might hurt the engine or any number of other factors that could be a concern in a foreign environment.”

Jim frowns because Bones is right. “I could talk to Scotty about it. He’d probably know if it’d work or not. I miss riding her, even if I do have a big spaceship now.”

“Do you miss riding her enough to risk damaging her?” Bones asks. He reaches over and squeezes Jim’s shoulder.

“No.” He makes a face. “I’ll talk to Scotty, but I won’t take the chance unless I know for sure that it’d be safe. Regardless, do you want to spend the day with me whenever we’re there?”

“It’d be nice to get away from everyone for a little while,” Bones admits as he brushes his thumb along the curve of Jim’s neck. “Just us, and maybe Jess.”

“Good.” He grins and leans over to lick Bones’ lips. He straightens up when he remembers something he thought of when Bones was in the shower. “While I’m thinking about it, I also wanted to ask if you approve me going down to Scorching Monotony tomorrow?”

“What?” Bones’ easy smile fades as his lips twist into a frown. “That’s not funny, Jim.”

“I’m not trying to be funny,” he says. “I’d like to go down briefly, just to face it before we go. That damn planet won, otherwise.”

“Won? This isn’t something you can win or lose. You were injured, and they’re not letting human crew members work down there for a reason,” Bones points out sharply. “You’re not immune to whatever it is in the atmosphere that slows your systems down and drains your energy.”

“Bones, I just need to go down. I won’t stay long,” he promises. He reaches over to touch Bones’ face, but Bones pulls back.

“As CMO, I have to put the captain’s health above the captain’s desire to run off and be stupid,” Bones tells him in a dangerously quiet tone. “If you think that I’m going to be swayed by you using our relationship, then you’re wrong. I won’t release you.”

“I’m not using anything, Doctor,” he snaps, angry that Bones even brought that into this discussion. “I’d be asking the same question no matter who my CMO was. There threat is minimal, at best, and I’d like to see what my crew has been working on for the last week before we leave. I’m not planning to go down there and fight with those rock creatures for fuck’s sake.”

Bones stands up and shakes his head. “You’re not going down there at all, Captain.” He slams his glass on the table and stares at Jim. “Damn it, Jim. I can’t believe you.”

“Bones, what the hell?” Jim gets to his feet and reaches out to stop him, but Bones shrugs his hand off.

“I’m going back to my quarters now. It’s been a long day, and I still have some work to do before I can sleep,” Bones says tightly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“This is ridiculous,” Jim points out, but Bones doesn’t listen to him. He grabs his clothes and leaves, the door wooshing shut behind him. Jim stands there staring for a moment before he sits down and leans forward, cradling his forehead in his palms. “Fuck.”


#12: Warm Up |
#14: Restless Night

series: two men & a starship, all my fanfiction, pairing: kirk/mccoy, 2009 fanfic, rating: teen, fandom: star trek xi

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