Fic: Diversionary Tactics (Kirk/McCoy)

Jul 06, 2009 22:42

Title: Diversionary Tactics
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Summary: Jim distracts Bones from finishing his work
Rating: Adult/NC17
Word Count: 3040
A/N: #11 in the Two Men & a Starship series. Follows Hi Honey. Thank you to everyone who reads/comments!

A few minutes becomes nearly an hour before Bones finishes reading the chart on his PADD. Jim figures that maybe he should feel guilty or something for being such a distraction, but he doesn’t. It’s been a really good hour, with lots of teasing kisses and light caresses as Bones tried to work. This is one time when Jim’s glad that he did some reading because establishing an intimate environment is pretty damn enjoyable. Even if it hasn’t immediately cured Bones.

There are still some aspects of being intimate that he’s uncertain about. Maybe he thinks that they’re a little scary, mostly because he doesn’t know really know what to expect with it all, but he doesn’t really like to fear something as abstract as intimacy. There are probably books he could read, but he’d rather borrow some of those racy novels from Scotty than read some guide book on how to be intimate and connect with his partner. And why aren’t there better words for what Bones is to him? Lover sounds like it is out of a smutty novel, and partner makes it sound like they’re colleagues. It really does just come back to Bones being his Bones, without any need for a label.

Bones is fiddling with his PADD, so Jim mouths wet kisses on his neck. He doesn’t intend to stop his diversionary tactics until the PADD is finally turned off. As if Bones can ignore him when he’s straddling his lap and not keeping his mouth off of him. If he says that he’s managed to read and comprehend anything he’s read since Jim arrived, he’s lying. Not even Bones can be that detached. Besides, he’s been an extremely active participant. Jim hears the sound of the PADD finally being put on the desk and smiles as he raises his head.

“Why do you look so smug?” Bones grumbles as he stares at him suspiciously.

“I’ve just spent an hour kissing you. How should I feel?” Jim asks as he takes in Bones’ swollen lips and flushed face. He smirks. “You look sexy like this, all plump lips and passion dazed eyes.”

Bones snorts. “Passion dazed?”

“Don’t start. I’m being poetic again.” Jim reaches down and tickles the spot on Bones’ ribs that makes him laugh even as he tries to look grumpy. “And stop your bitching. I know that you’ve been enjoying this.”

“Hmph.” Bones moves the hand that’s been resting on Jim’s lower back and squeezes his ass. “Having the captain plant himself on my lap and proceed to spend nearly an hour making out like we’re horny teenagers might appeal to some people, but your skinny ass gets heavy after a while. Besides, I think my tongue is numb.”

“Seems to be working well enough right now,” Jim says dryly before he grins. “And I think it would be appealing to most people, not that I care about anyone else. Your lap is the only one that my perfect, not skinny, ass is going to be sitting on.”

“Damn right it is,” Bones mutters as he grips Jim’s ass with both his hands. He glances down between them before looking back at Jim. “You’re hard.”

“Yeah, I noticed that.” Jim shifts slightly to get a little more friction. Bones isn’t hard, even though he’s obviously aroused. He doesn’t really understand how impotency works, despite having done some reading, but that’s probably why he’s pursued the whole becoming a captain thing instead of going into psychology. If Bones is turned on and wants to have sex, why can’t his dick listen? If it’s this frustrating for him, he can’t even imagine what it must be like for Bones.

“We can’t leave this office with you like this.” Bones arches a brow. “I don’t want to make the staff suspicious about us.”

“No, we don’t want that,” he agrees. There are times when he figures it’s completely obvious that he has feelings for Bones, since it feels like there’s no way in hell that he’s able to hide it, but he knows that they’re actually a lot more careful about it than he gives himself credit for being. Leaving Bones’ office with an erection isn’t subtle, though.

Bones kisses Jim’s jaw then licks his way to his ear. “Want me to take care of it for you?” he drawls in that irresistible tone.

Jim whines softly as Bones nibbles on his earlobe. “Shouldn’t,” he finally manages to get out. Hell yes is his first thought, but it isn’t fair to use Bones like this. Not for his own pleasure, no matter how much he wants to.

“Should,” Bones growls before he scrapes his teeth against Jim’s throat. He licks his adam’s apple and then bites down lightly on his neck. “I’m not letting you leave this office until you come, Captain.”

“Damn it, Bones.” He moves his fingers into his hair and tugs. “Don’t wanna use you.”

Bones pulls back and blinks at him in confusion. “Use me? I’m offerin’, Jim,” he says, the accent doing nothing at all to help Jim’s self-control.

“You can’t,” Jim points out huskily. “Isn’t fair.”

“This is one of those times when you can be self-centered.” Bones shifts and lifts Jim’s ass slightly. He can feel the edge of the desk behind him then he’s sitting on it. His resolve starts to crumble as Bones gives him that intense ‘I’m going to make you come so hard that you can’t see straight’ look. “Say yes.”

The low, growling demand destroys the rest of his determination to refuse. “Yes, damn it,” he whispers, lids lowering partially as Bones smirks and attacks. He unzips Jim’s pants and pulls him to the edge of his desk, not even getting out of his chair as he leans forward and licks his cock.

“I can’t believe you’re this hard just from kissing.” Bones nuzzles his cock, and Jim bites his lip to keep from making too much noise. Even though there’s soundproofing in the office, he finds it sort of exciting to have to be quiet. It’s been too long since he’s had Bones’ mouth on his cock. “You look gorgeous like this, panting and desperate with your cock throbbing for me.”

“Just for you,” Jim murmurs, shifting impatiently. This is probably breaking some communication and intimacy rules for the impotency help, but it’s not as if he can refuse Bones. That’d be like rejection, which isn’t any good for him, either.

“What do you want?” Bones drawls. His voice is so low and dirty that Jim almost comes just from hearing him talk. Bones is smiling knowingly, the bastard. “Want me to suck your cock? Want to fuck my face until I taste your come? Want me to use my hand and keep talking to you? It really turns you on to hear me talk like this, doesn’t it, sweetheart?”

“Bones.” He’s going to die if Bones keeps on like this. It’s evil to tease him, to use those damn pet names that Bones insists are stupid yet drawls in ways that make Jim’s cock twitch, to torment him when he’s trying to be mature about all of this. Yeah, real mature with his ass on Bones’ desk and his dick in Bones’ hand.

“You bring this out in me,” Bones murmurs as he brushes his thumb along the underside of Jim’s cock. “Make me feel so damn depraved and filthy that I don’t even recognize myself sometimes.” He licks the head of Jim’s cock teasingly, never moving his gaze off his face. “Make me want to take care of you and do everything I can to make you happy.” He frowns slightly, as if he’s regretting that admission, and Jim moves his fingers over Bones’ cheek because he understands.

“I like making you happy,” he whispers, resisting the urge to arch up into Bones’ hand. “Like to be the one making you smile.”

“You’re so fucking sexy like this, darlin’.” Bones stares at him and caresses his cock with his fingers, slow and gentle. “Do you have any idea what you do to me? Looking like that, saying those things.” Bones leans forward and licks again. “What do you want?”

There are so many answers to that question, though it always comes back to Bones. He’s what Jim wants, which is still kind of terrifying even though he’s accepting it. “I want your mouth. I want to see your lips around me, feel your tongue, watch your face as you suck me hard.” He licks his lips and wiggles a little. While he’s had fantasies that involve Bones and his desk, he didn’t consider how hard the surface would be. There’s another teasing lick before Bones focuses on him completely. Jim still finds it slightly overwhelming to be the focal point of all that intensity and passion, but he doesn’t consider it a bad thing at all.

“As you wish,” Bones says before he leans forward. He sucks the head of Jim’s cock and laves his tongue over the slit to swipe off the pre-come collected there. Jim leans back slightly, trying to find somewhere to put his hands on the crowded desk. Bones begins to move his head, taking more of Jim’s cock into his mouth, licking and sucking and humming until Jim just shoves things aside without caring and puts his palm on the desk.

“So good,” he moans, rocking his hips up now that he’s got some leverage. Bones urges his legs further apart and reaches between them, squeezing his balls firmly as he drives Jim insane with his tongue and mouth. When his breath starts to catch, soft pants and gasps that become more frequent as Bones sucks harder, he knows that he’s close. “So beautiful with my cock in your mouth. So hot. So close. Gonna come soon.”

Bones grips his hips when he thrusts up too hard, pulling back and coughing after Jim must have choked him. He moves his hand to Jim’s cock and strokes him while he gets past the choking fit. “I can’t take that much all at once,” he murmurs in warning before he begins to suck again. Every slide of his tongue across the underside of Jim’s cock is unbelievable. It’s like everything’s more sensitive for some reason, and he wonders if it’s because it’s been a while since he’s used anything but his hand. If so, the sex is going to be mind-blowing when they can finally do it again.

By the time Jim starts babbling nonsense, he can feel sweat trickling down his back and his face is warm. Bones pulls back when Jim’s hips start to jerk off the desk, coughing before he wraps those long fingers around his wet cock and begins to tug. “Come for me, Jim,” he urges hoarsely, staring at Jim’s face as he moves his hand. He licks the head, trying to coax out his orgasm while murmuring obscenities against Jim’s heated skin.

When he comes, he tilts his head back and whines deep in his throat. His body trembles as Bones keeps stroking him, semen spilling all over those gorgeous fingers. Jim glances down at him, sees his come dripping off Bones’ chin and lips, and he has to close his eyes because it’s too much. Bones is still touching, still talking, calling him pretty, and his cock is so sensitive that it’s starting to become uncomfortable.

“Too much.” He reaches down to swat at Bones’ hand then wipes his thumb over Bones’ chin. Bones moves his head and sucks on his thumb, licking off his come as he stares at up at him. He groans and licks his lips, having to ask even if he isn’t sure that he wants an answer. “Did you?”

Bones closes his eyes, which is answer enough. He lets go of Jim’s thumb and pushes his chair back from the desk. Jim watches him and keeps telling himself that it’s a condition and has nothing to do with him, to do with Bones wanting him. But, damn it, it’s difficult to listen to that voice when he’s just come and has taken everything from Bones without giving anything in return. It isn’t rejection. That’s what he has to remember.

“It’s okay,” he whispers, stroking Bones’ jaw until he opens his eyes again. “We’ll get through this, understood?”

“Yeah.” Bones stands up and kisses him. He shifts his body away when Jim tries to touch him, so he drops his hands back to the desk and focuses on the kiss. The knowledge that Bones doesn’t want him to touch after this actually stings more than the fact that he can’t get an erection. One is a medical condition, but the other isn’t, so why can’t Jim try to comfort him in some way? When Bones pulls back, he smiles slightly. “You knocked a tricorder off my desk, Captain.”

“Did I?” Jim stops dwelling on the not touching thing for now and smiles sheepishly as he slides off the desk. He accepts the towel that Bones hands him and wipes himself off before he fastens his pants. “Sorry, Doctor. I was focused on you sucking my dick at that time.”

“Brat,” Bones mutters and swats Jim’s ass when he leans down to pick up the tricorder. It’s a light swat, but it’s the first time that Bones has done anything like it since he found out about Frank. When he glances at Bones, he notices that the smile is gone and there’s a look of concern that wasn’t there before, which makes him realize that he isn’t the only one who realizes that.

Fuck. Jim picks up the tricorder and puts it on the desk before he faces Bones. “I trust you,” he says firmly, taking Bones’ hand and squeezing. And that’s all he plans to say about it because he refuses to associate anything that happens between him and Bones with memories from his childhood. It’s not like he ever said no swatting or anything like that. There’s a huge difference between playful behavior with a lover and what Frank did. Bones would never intentionally hurt him.

“I didn’t mean--“ Before Bones can continue, Jim kisses him. This is probably one of those times when it’s better to show instead of tell. “Jim, damn it--“ He kisses him again, deciding that this is a good way to shut Bones up. “Why won’t you--“ And another kiss, a thorough one that he hopes leaves Bones unable to think, much less talk. “Jim,” Bones sighs when he pulls back finally.

“Bones, seriously. This? Not a big issue,” he says sincerely. He brushes his lips across Bones’ jaw and cheek before he hugs him. “Now stop worrying so we can go eat dinner. We’re meeting Chekov and Sulu soon, and I don’t have to worry about exercising after eating a full meal, so I’m planning to eat a lot.”

“Are you sure?” Bones asks quietly. He moves his arms around Jim and hugs him tight, stroking his back as they stand there.

“I’m sure. If I wasn’t, I’d tell you. That whole communicating better thing, you know?” Jim kisses his neck before he lets go. “C’mon. Let’s go see what the kitchen staff has cooked up tonight. Maybe there’ll be vegetables that you can force on my plate.”

Bones grips his chin and kisses him slowly. “You like vegetables,” he grumbles when he breaks the kiss. “You just like giving me a reason to bitch at you.” His lips curve into the crooked smile that Jim loves seeing as he nods. “But, yeah, let’s go eat.”

Jim runs his fingers through his hair and then fusses with his uniform shirt. “Do I look like I’ve been thoroughly ravished by my CMO?” he asks, arching a brow as he reaches over to fix Bones’ shirt where it’s ridden up.

“It’s not that noticeable,” Bones tells him after looking him over. “Do I have come on my face?”

At the question, Jim can’t resist snickering. He moves his arm when Bones reaches out to smack him. He leans over and licks Bones’ chin and cheek. “Just in case,” he murmurs before he fixes Bones’ hair. “Need to make sure that you don’t look like you’ve been making out with the captain.”

“I’m going to have to prohibit you from coming to my office for anything other than official business if you’re going to end up in my lap every time you come in here,” Bones tells him.

“I’m the captain. I get to go anywhere that I want, even your lap,” Jim says matter-of-factly. He leers playfully. “Especially your lap.”

“Incorrigible.” Bones shakes his head. “I think we’ve fixed ourselves up as much as we can. Better go now before I decide we can skip dinner because I’m still trying to make up for weeks without any damn kisses.”

“I’m available any time that you want to begin working on that deficit of kisses. I think that you should calculate it with a dozen kisses for every half hour that wouldn’t be spent sleeping or working,” he suggests helpfully. “Though feel free to round up.”

“You’re not going to make a list of lost kisses to add to your other list.” Bones rolls his eyes and nudges him towards the door. “How’re your legs doing?”

“They’re fine.” Jim pushes the button and the door wooshes open. “I appreciate you taking the time to discuss that case with me, Doctor,” he says as they leave Bones’ office. He keeps his tone friendly but adds what he hopes is a professional ‘Captain doing captainy things that don’t involve sex with the CMO at all’ tone.

Bones arches a brow but says, “Any time, Captain. I’m glad to see you taking an interest.”

The few staff in medical that notice them greet them without looking suspicious, so Jim feels pretty confident as they leave and go to dinner. Balancing a relationship and work might not be so tough, though he’s not going to get too cocky about it. On the way to the mess, he lowers his voice and glances at Bones. “Remember, this is a date. We just had dessert first.”


#10: Hi Honey | #12: Warm Up

rating: adult, series: two men & a starship, all my fanfiction, pairing: kirk/mccoy, 2009 fanfic, fandom: star trek xi

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