Title: The Flaming Duck
Pairing: Brian Kinney/Sirius Black
Summary: Brian is bored in London
Rating: R
Word Count: 500
Crossover with Queer as Folk (American) and HP
Note: Uh...yeah. I seem to have written a drabble for
littlecup so please blame her! Eeep!
The Flaming Duck was definitely no Babylon, but it was the closest thing to home that Brian had found since arriving in London last week. This city took old to a whole other level, one which consisted of rundown pubs that smelled like piss or clubs where retro tunes were considered hot. At least this club was playing something from this decade, even if it was some techno crap that Emmett would love.
Thank fucking God that no one at home could see him now. Brian Kenney surrounded by a bunch of pale, skinny Englishmen with bad teeth was just wrong in so many ways. He needed to be surrounded by pretty people, to find a good-looking guy with a tight ass to fuck in the bathroom, and to go back to his hotel sated instead of hard with only his hand for relief. It was pretty fucking sad when he chose his hand over any prospect in this pasty-man town.
He drank his Scotch and scanned the dancing crowd, looking for anyone who was worthy of his attention. If he didn't fuck someone soon, this two week business trip was going to start feeling like hell. He had just about given up hope when he spotted a man lurking in the corner. Guy was too skinny, like all these Englishmen, but there was something about his face that caught Brian's attention. He was rugged and rough and had probably been pretty damn good-looking at one time. It was still there in the sharp angles of his face. Brian found himself intrigued and his cock was definitely interested in getting to know this guy better.
He downed the rest of his drink before ordering another. Then he made his way through the crowd until he reached his destination. He looked the guy over thoroughly and arched a brow when the look was returned. Oh yeah, this guy was going to get the fucking of his life tonight. "Name's Brian," he said with his most charming 'you know you can't resist me so drop your pants now' smile.
"Sirius," the stranger said in a husky voice that confirmed Brian's interest was deserved.
"Yeah, it's really Brian," he flirted back, relieved that high intelligence wasn't required for Fuck of the Night (or, possibly, if it was good enough, fuck of the rest of this trip).
"No, my name's Sirius," the guy said with a flash of a grin that made him look younger, less hardened.
Brian nodded, wondering if English people just lacked creativty because they thought of the worst fucking names for their kids. Of course, he didn't care if the guy was named Guy so long as he got to feel that tight ass around his cock in the next half hour. Well, maybe longer cause first he wanted to fuck that sweet mouth and see those full lips around his cock. "So, you wanna fuck?"
Sirius grinned and nodded. "Sounds like the most fun I've had in, oh, a dozen years."