Hmm...I've seen a lot of people around my F-list branching out into new fandoms, brand new to Harry Potter, solid in Buffy, new to LJ, wanting to meet new people, etc. so I've decided to attempt one of those friending memes. Never done it before so it could be a total disaster but whee for meeting new people! It's multi-fandom, of course, and I've
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Comments 304
Fandom(s): Harry Potter. Also occasionally read: Buffy/Angel, CSI, POTC, Anne of Green Gables, The Dark is Rising, and other random things.
What does your LJ contain?: Fandom and RL. Fic, recs, and ramblings.
Favorite Movie(s): Casablanca, Gosford Park, L.A. Confidential, Usual Suspects, Clue, Breakfast Club
Favorite Song(s)/Band(s)/Artist(s): Ordinary World by Duran Duran, Lyin' Eyes by The Eagles, Lynyrd Skynyrd, 80s music, ABBA, soundtracks
Favorite TV show(s): Cold Case, CSI, Cash in the Attic (BBC version), and anything else that strikes my fancy.
Likes: Hermione, Hermione/Charlie, Hermione/Fred/George, Hermione/Viktor, Lucius, Blaise, rare pairs, major character/minor character, romance, het, slash, femmeslash, gen, happy endings, my RPG (the_leaky), Willow, travel, the 80s, Ron/Draco, Draco/Neville, Harry/Blaise, Draco/Blaise, Bill/Draco, Hermione/Charlie/Harry, Ron/Hermione/Harry, threesomes, things that make sigh happily, reading Hermione-centric fic, ogling pretty fanart, ficathons/challenges (since it seems that I'm ( ... )
Fandom(s): Harry Potter, Prince of Tennis
What does your LJ contain?: Mostly Harry Potter excited squeeing. A bit of the same for PoT. Lots of fic, the occasional rec, and some bits of RL.
Favorite Movie(s): Love Actually, Sliding Doors, I'm such a sucker for romantic comedies.
Favorite TV show(s): All my TV shows are off the air. But they were: The West Wing, Friends, Sex and the City, etc.
Favorite Song(s)/Band(s)/Artist(s): PULP!!!! Also, The Cure.
Likes: Harry! Harry is my favourite character and I adore everything to do with him. OTP is Harry/Draco, but Harry/Ginny comes in a very close second. I will pretty much pair Harry with nearly anyone and be happy about it. I pretty much just want him to be happy. ♥
Dislikes: Long hours at work, not getting enough sleep, signing up for too many ficathons (always), people being mean to Harry...
Rec something: potterpostings is a great community to keep track of your favourite authors and artists monthly fics/arts. hd_prophet for all your Harry/Draco needs. :))
Anything else? I'm pretty excitable, ( ... )
And please feel free to share in the love anytime!!!
Name: severusslave_76
Fandom(s): HP, BtVS
What does your LJ contain?: Music sharing, ramblings and bitchings, the occasional meme, fanfic and original fic, the odd random fangirling once in a blue moon, random icon postings, and every once in awhile a pic spam
Favorite Movie(s): A toss up between 'Princess Bride' and 'Labyrinth'
Favorite TV show(s): Law & Order (in all it's incarnations), CSI (in all it's incarnations), Family Guy, Mind of Mencia and a few others I may catch from time to time *is not a big TV watcher*
Favorite Song(s)/Band(s)/Artist(s): Evanescence, and everything else that doesn't suck. Honestly - look at my music list on my LJ - my taste is very eclectic
Likes: Honesty, Reading, Cats, My kids, my friends, teh Harry Potter world, writing. . .and other boring stuff - yeah, I am a geek. *is proud*
Dislikes: Liars, Drama, Liars...umm...stuff like that, really. I'm pretty easy to get along with
Rec something: http:// ( ... )
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Fandom(s): Harry Potter, Bleach, Labyrinth, Firefly
What does your LJ contain?: my own fics, a meme every now and then, as well as very occasional rl posts
Favorite Movie(s): The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter POA, Fight Club
Favorite TV show(s): Alias, Project Runway, Nip/Tuck
Favorite Song(s)/Band(s)/Artist(s): Dashboard Confessional - Chasing the Ghost, Billy Joel, The Police, most 80s music.
Likes: Hermione/Practically anyone. I love the girl, she's so much fun to write and to read, she's such a versitle character. Renji/Rukia cause they're so cute together and they so love each other but just won't admit to it. Sarah/Jareth because who wouldn't love the Goblin King? Kaylee/Simon because it's so right.
Dislikes: Whining, not having a working car at the moment, bad writing, even worse grammar, immaturity, being stressed out by fic deadlines.
Rec something: hp_secrets cause it's so cute and any Harry/Draco fan will just love it.
Anything else? I really have great plans for myself as a fandom writer even if the amount of posts in ( ... )
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yay new friends :D
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
What does your LJ contain?: HP fic, random musings, wet men, and more discussion of mythology and human sexuality than is probably normal
Favorite Movie(s): The Godfather, hands down
Favorite TV show(s): Disney Channel addict here!
Favorite Song(s)/Band(s)/Artist(s): hip-hop/blues
Likes: ICE CREAM. Pretty boys. BDSM. Procrastination. Laughing. Jay and Silent Bob.
Dislikes: Racism, capitalism, elitism, competition, commitment. George Bush.
Rec something: honeybean's Tom Riddle artwork
Anything else? inell = ♥
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